Sports diplomacy by development process of Taekwondo and part of taekwondo 체육사: 태권도의 발전과정에 따른 스포츠외교와 태권도의 역할
강도원DongWonKang , 이충영ChungYoungLee
41(5) 3-14, 2002
Sports diplomacy by development process of Taekwondo and part of taekwondo 체육사: 태권도의 발전과정에 따른 스포츠외교와 태권도의 역할
강도원DongWonKang , 이충영ChungYoungLee
It is almost common knowledge that the globalization of Taekwondo has contributed a lost to Korea’s diplomacy, especially the cultural or sport diplomacy of Korea. Therefore, this thesis is about verifying the diplomatic effectiveness of Taekwondo’ globalization.
The chronological scope of the discussion ranges from the 1940s, when the globalization of Taekwondo began, to now.
For this look into the historical context. and the various social characteristics of Taekwondo, I investigated Taekwondo liturature including the academic journals, newspapers, material on Internet, and television programs.
In conclusion, it is necessary for us to study further the diplomatic effectiveness of Taekwondo’s globalization. To continue to be aware of it’s influence on Korean sports diplomacy such as the contribution to diplomacy with communist countries and The third world countries, to the hosting of 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, to the enhancing Korea’s exteral national image, and to the making of human links in overall Korean diplomacy.
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A Study on the Sports Activity of YMCA in the Period of Japanese Military Government 체육사: 일제하 무단통치기의 YMCA체육활동에 관한 연구
41(5) 15-26, 2002
A Study on the Sports Activity of YMCA in the Period of Japanese Military Government 체육사: 일제하 무단통치기의 YMCA체육활동에 관한 연구
This study was intended to identify how the sports activity of YMCA development in the period of Japanese military government with the situation of the times and point out the error of some facts on it.
The Korean YMCA was annexed with the Japanese YMCA league by the plot of the Japanese YMCA and the Japanese Government-General of Korea in 1913. But the Korean YMCA whose was recognized could be independently operated by Korean, and the Korean YMCA Association as the starting point of annexation with the Japanese YMCA. For this reason, the YMCA organization come to strengthen its basis further.
YMCA introduced modern sports such as baseball, gymnastics, basketball, volleyball and the like as the its sports program and instructed sports to people of diverse nationality and age. The sports program of YMCA performed a role of vitality in the Korean sports circles and brought a new way of thinking on sports. And YMCA held sports games such as baseball, volleyball and soccer. The major teams included Korean schools such as Baejae School(培材學校), Hyimoom School(徽文學校) and the like, general teams such as Seoul Soccer Corps, Severanse Medical College, Sungnam Club(城南俱樂部), Railroad Club(鐵道俱樂部) and the like. Especially, baseball developed through the competition with Japanese baseball team, Korean baseball team and the like including the home and away game. They led the Korean baseball of that period. And the expendition of the Korean YMCA baseball team to Japan as part of the project of the observation party in 1913 recorded one win and six defeats. But it is thought that its exposure to Japanese advanced baseball contributed to the development of Korean baseball.
On the one hand, YMCA hosted the baseball league in which the YMCA Academy(YMCA學館), Baejae High School, Jungang School(中央學校), Hyimoom School, Osung School(五星學校), Songdo High School(松島高等普通學校) participated. And in 1916 YMCA came to implement the sport project by coming to establish the gymnasium for the first time in Korea and the futher come to perform the role as the mecca of the Korean sports.
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A Research on Sports Activities of Daehan Heunghak Hoei 체육사: 대한흥학회의 스포츠활동에 관한 연구
41(5) 27-35, 2002
A Research on Sports Activities of Daehan Heunghak Hoei 체육사: 대한흥학회의 스포츠활동에 관한 연구
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체육사: 일본무도의 연구-묘지묘술을 중심으로
이진수 , 김명수
41(5) 37-46, 2002
체육사: 일본무도의 연구-묘지묘술을 중심으로
이진수 , 김명수
This study is intended to figure out the literal feature of Japanes Buto which was performed in Edo era. As a bibliographic reaserch for this study, I analysed the content of reference book, <Neko No Myojits>. There are the main points of the discussion that I gave attention.
1. On the establishment of <Neko No Myojits >, the taoism of Changtzu had a great influence. Tao is the ultimate reality in this world. If We have hard training of sword technique with all my heart shoud be can reach that Tao.
2. Tao is not same the sword technique, but the sword technique is the key of the Tao. To get the Tao we do our’s best. We train with all our’s might to reach highest level of technique. Just the Tao is that our mind to get the highest level of sword technique.
3. Tao is meant for disciplining oneself and attaining virtues which is humanity, loyalty, courtesy, wisdom, trust. The man who attaining virtues trains with all his might to reach highest level of technique shoud obtain the tao of the sword.
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The Influence of Dance Performance Surroundings on Performance Viewing Satisfaction 스포츠사회학: 무용 공연 환경이 공연 관람 만족에 미치는 영향
41(5) 49-57, 2002
The Influence of Dance Performance Surroundings on Performance Viewing Satisfaction 스포츠사회학: 무용 공연 환경이 공연 관람 만족에 미치는 영향
Under the assumption that there would be many factors in satisfaction with performance viewing, the present study was to find out the influence of dance performance surroundings, like performance places, performance situations, viewing expenses, and viewing promotion starategies on performance viewing satisfaction.
783 audience as subjects were selected from 13 performance places in Seoul and Daejeon city using purposive sampling method from April to June, 2001.
Performance surroundings and performance viewing satisfaction were measured by the items based on Kim(1999), Wakefield, Blodgett, & Sloan(1996)’s scales. Multiple regression method were used in order to solve problems of the study at a level .05.
The conclusions were as follows ;
1. One’s income(-) and educational level(+) have influences on his/her performance viewing satisfaction.
2. The primary factor is collateral facilities’ degree of cleanness(+), follows by performance facilities’ degree of beauty(+), seat’s degree of pleasantness(+), and so on among performance places factors.
It is famous dancer’s degree of appearance(+), degree of performance opening time(+), follows by satisfaction degree of subsidiary expenses for viewing(+) among viewing expenses factors.
It is advertizing program’s degree of readiness(+), follows by degree of advertizement for performance schedule(+), and degree of advertizement for dancer(+) among viewing promotion strategies.
3. The primary factor is satisfaction with performance places factor(+), and with performance situations factor.
Inside surroundings of dance performance have more influences than outside them on viewing satisfaction, so it is urgently needed that improvement of performance facilities, upbringing and management of dance stars, and enforcement of advertizing system to synthesize whole view.
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A Study on the Status of Life Sports Participants` Exercise Addiction and Subjective Quality of Life 스포츠사회학: 생활체육 참가자의 운동중독과 주관적 삶의 질에 관한 연구
41(5) 59-70, 2002
A Study on the Status of Life Sports Participants` Exercise Addiction and Subjective Quality of Life 스포츠사회학: 생활체육 참가자의 운동중독과 주관적 삶의 질에 관한 연구
Exercise addiction is a wide-spread phenomenon in life sports field already, however it is a newly appeared terminology. The purpose of the present study was to find out the status of the exercise addiction and the relationship between exercise addiction and quality of life. Life sports participants were categorized into 3 groups, that is, non-addicted, over-use, and addicted group by the exercise addiction scales for the purpose.
1,121 subjects were selected from 10 life sports items using proportional stratified cluster random sampling method from November to December, 2001.
Exercise addiction was measured by the items based on Young(1996)’ s scales, and quality of life by Campbell(1981)’s scales. ANOVA, χ2-test, and regression analysis method were used in order to solve problems of the study.
On the basis of the results, the conclusions were drawn as follows;
1. The rate of exercise addiction among life sports participants is 7.4%
2. There are significant differences in age, income, and educational level by group. Exercise addicted group is the highest in income and over-use group is the highest in age and educational level.
3. The are significant differences in perceived sports ability, sports contest participation career per year, sports contest prizing career per year, participation career frequency per week, sports participation time per day, and sports career by group. Exercise addicted group is the highest in most factors except sports contest participation career per year factor.
4. There is a significant difference in contest intensity of sports by group. All groups participate in strong competition sports.
5. There is no significant difference in influence of sports participation to usual life by group.
6. There is a significant difference in rate of self-evaluating to exercise addiction by group. The rate of it is high only in exercise addicted group.
7. There is significant difference in perceiving to subjective quality of life by group. Subjective quality of life is high in the order of addicted group, over-use group, and non-addicted group.
8. Degree of exercise addiction influences of 4.0% on subjective quality of life.
It is obvious that there are someones who have exercise addiction syndrome in life sports field, exercise addiction is caused just by sports experience, and exercise addiction has a positive influence on subjective quality of life to synthesize the whole view.
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The relationship between athletic satisfaction, anomie and social deviant behavior in high school athletes 스포츠사회학: 고교 운동선수의 운동만족도와 아노미 및 사회적 일탈행동의 관계
김기오KiOhKim , 강정호JungHoKang
41(5) 71-83, 2002
The relationship between athletic satisfaction, anomie and social deviant behavior in high school athletes 스포츠사회학: 고교 운동선수의 운동만족도와 아노미 및 사회적 일탈행동의 관계
김기오KiOhKim , 강정호JungHoKang
The purpose of this study was to investigate the causal relationship between athletic satisfaction, anomie and social deviant behavior in high school athletes. The subjects of study were 417 athletes(male=280, female=137) who are enrolled in Busan Sports Council, and selected through a stratified cluster random sampling method. The statistical methods utilized in this study for analyzing the collected data were multiple regression analysis and path analysis through SPSS 10.0 version for windows.
Based on the above research methods and procedures, this study produced the following results.
Firstly, the athletic satisfaction of high school athletes has influence on the degree of their anomie positively and negatively.
Secondly, the athletic satisfaction of high school athletes has negatively effect on the degree of their unsocial and antisocial deviant behaviors.
thirdly, the anomie has positively effect on the degree of their unsocial and antisocial deviant behaviors.
Finally, the athletic satisfaction of high school athletes has influence on the degree of their unsocial, antisocial deviant behaviors directly as well as indirectly. And their athletic satisfaction has indirectly influence on the degree of their social deviant behaviors through psychological anomie.
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The Effect of Participation in Swimming of Flow Experiences and Health Care Patterns in the Aged 스포츠사회학: 노인의 수영활동 참가와 몰입경험이 건강관리 유형에 미치는 영향
41(5) 85-93, 2002
The Effect of Participation in Swimming of Flow Experiences and Health Care Patterns in the Aged 스포츠사회학: 노인의 수영활동 참가와 몰입경험이 건강관리 유형에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to analyze The Effect of Participation in Swimming of Flow Experinece and Health Care Patterns in the Aged. The subject of the study was selected by multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling among the sports center to participate swimming program whose age were 65 and over year old among inhabitant the Seoul metropolitan area.
The data were collected through a questionnaire adapted from Scanlan(1992) ‘Flow Experinece’ and Payne and Hahn’s (1986) ‘Understanding Your Health-A personal profile; Evaluating Your Health’. The pilot test was executed after the questionnaire was translated into Korean.
The statistics employed the study were frequency and Multiple Regression Analysis.
The results that were derived from these processes were as follows:
1. There is partial influence of according to the degree of swimming participation. There were influence according to flow experience.
2. There is partial influence according to the degree of swimming participation. There were influence according to physical fitness, social relationship, nutrition, drinking, smoking, drug use care.
3. There is a partial influence according to the flow experience. There were influence according to stress. physical fitness, social relationship, drinking, smoking, drug use care, safety.
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A Study on Social Ethics Recognition and Approach Methods of Sport Ethics 스포츠사회학: 스포츠윤리의 사회윤리학적 인식과 접근방법에 관한 고찰
41(5) 95-103, 2002
A Study on Social Ethics Recognition and Approach Methods of Sport Ethics 스포츠사회학: 스포츠윤리의 사회윤리학적 인식과 접근방법에 관한 고찰
Nowadays, the problem of sport ethics in sport phenomena is discussed as two items: one of participants` personal level and the other of sports` structural level. This shows that sport phenomena is suffering the value conflicts stemming from discords between the personal and social value of competitors. In order to solve the ethic problems, the awareness on the seriousness in them and the sport ethical analysis of them themselves is basically needed to consider and study.
Up to now, the awareness on the importance of ethics in sport phenomena is generally spreading but the mainstream is the prescriptive ethics research based on competitors` personal morals. However, the social ethics study requires because it deals with the moral principle, justification and the instituted prescription dimension such as order, policy, system, arrangement and structure, which can`t be solved only by personal moral-prescription of competitors in sport phenomena.
Therefore the aim of this paper is to consider and study on the qualities and the approach methods of sport social ethics.
1. Sport social ethics approach starts from the awareness that the sport structure is a pre-requisite in realizing sport phenomena so as to pursue the universal value.
2. Taking the limits of competitors` moral autonomy in sport phenomena into account, it brings sport structural factors into focus.
3. It admits the group or organization as a moral subject in sport phenomena.
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Structure and Issues of cost for Test System in Taekwondon 스포츠사회학: 태권도의 심사비용 구조 및 쟁점 분석
41(5) 105-117, 2002
Structure and Issues of cost for Test System in Taekwondon 스포츠사회학: 태권도의 심사비용 구조 및 쟁점 분석
This study was to analyze what issues happened with cost of Poom or Dan test in current taekwondo. Detailed subjects of study were like this; First of all, cost of test which should be paied to each city and province associations was compared and analyzed. Second, it was analyzed how that costs were shared among Kukkiwon, Taekwondo Association and each city and province associations. Third, Q&A data of Kukkiwon homepage were examined to analyze what was the issue and censure costs of promotion tests. The results of this study were as follows. The cost of test paid by taekwondo school showed many differences among each city and province associations. It means that Kukkiwon, Korea Taekwondo Associations and each city and prvince associations disregarded a distributive law, that is cost of test should be shared according to certain percentage. Problems about cost of test raised by practitioners and his or her parents were produced in this order ; ⅰ) The cost of test is to expensive ⅱ) How much is the specific cost of Poom or Dan tests? ⅲ) Show an exact fixing standard on cost of test ⅳ) How can we have the promotion test not through a taekwondo school but through Kukkiwon or other associations? ⅴ) We lose taekwondo`s credit because of excessive cost of test.
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The relationship between sports participants` social function and community activity 스포츠사회학: 스포츠 참가자의 사회적 기능과 지역사회 활동과의 관계
윤종국JongKookYun , 류양섭YangSoubYoo
41(5) 119-128, 2002
The relationship between sports participants` social function and community activity 스포츠사회학: 스포츠 참가자의 사회적 기능과 지역사회 활동과의 관계
윤종국JongKookYun , 류양섭YangSoubYoo
The purpose of this study was to examine the possibility of new community formation through sports activity by analysing the influence of social function forming through sports activity on community activities.
Subjects of this study were adult participators in sports for all living in Chunan city as of 2001, and among total 700 copies sampled using cluster random sampling, 631 copies were finally used for data analysis. Schematized questionnaires based on self-administration method were employed for the research instrument, and statistic techniques to analyze the collected data were frequencies, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis.
Results are as follows.
First, social function has an effect on participation in community sports events
Second, social function has an effect on participation in community festivals and events.
Third, social function has an effect on social education business in community.
Fourth, social function has an effect on community service activity.
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The Study on relation of Sports Activities Participate and Enhancing Self-Esteem in Adolescents 스포츠사회학: 청소년의 스포츠활동 참가와 자아증진감의 관계 연구
41(5) 129-137, 2002
The Study on relation of Sports Activities Participate and Enhancing Self-Esteem in Adolescents 스포츠사회학: 청소년의 스포츠활동 참가와 자아증진감의 관계 연구
The Purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of sports activities in adolecents on enhancing self-esteem and to find out effective ways to use sports activities for enhancing their self-esteem.
The study conducted on the subjects 371 male·female high school students in Seoul, and is conducted questionnaire by Revised Self-Esteem of Gurney(1988)and Sports Activities types of Kenyon(1996). The ststistical method used for the analysis of this study Pearson` a coefficient of correlation, multiple regression with SPSS/PC+10.0 Version for Windows.
The results of this study are as Follows,
First, The Positive co-relationship between the income in family and personal expenses in sports participate, and direct sports activities exhibit significantly higher levels than indirect sports activities.
Second, Sports activities in adolecents demonstrate significant effects on self-esteem. Especially, adolecents who participate in direct sports activities exhibit significantly higher levels of sense Self-Esteem.
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The Study on relation between Extent of Participation in Sports Activities and Stress in Adolescents 스포츠사회학: 청소년의 스포츠활동 참가와 스트레스의 관계 연구
이강우KangWooLee , 채환국HwanGukChai
41(5) 139-147, 2002
The Study on relation between Extent of Participation in Sports Activities and Stress in Adolescents 스포츠사회학: 청소년의 스포츠활동 참가와 스트레스의 관계 연구
이강우KangWooLee , 채환국HwanGukChai
The Purpose of this study is to analyze how participating in sports activities could effect on psychological, physical and family-life stresses.
That is, assuming that participating in sports activities may effect on these stresses. I investigated the difference of them between two groups who ordinary participate group and periodical participate group in sports activities.
The study conducted on the subjects 239 male·female high school students in Seoul, and is conducted questionnaire by Stress Scale by Kim, In Soo & Yoo Man Sang(1994) and Sports Involvement types of Kenyon & Schutz(1970). The ststistical method used for the analysis of this study t-test, multiple regression, and each hypothesis was identified significant levels of .05.
The results of this study are as Follows,
First, There was significant difference of stresses according to ordinary involvement and periodical involvement in sports activities.
Second, There was positive relation between extent of participation in sports activities(frequency, intensity, duration) and stress.
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The Study of the Cause of Conflict between the Educational philosophy and the Teaching Practice of Taekwondo Instructor 스포츠사회학: 태권도 지도자의 교육철학과 지도실제간의 갈등원인에 관한 연구
41(5) 149-163, 2002
The Study of the Cause of Conflict between the Educational philosophy and the Teaching Practice of Taekwondo Instructor 스포츠사회학: 태권도 지도자의 교육철학과 지도실제간의 갈등원인에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to identify the cause of conflict between the educational philosophy and the teaching practice of an instructor in order to resolve the cause of the conflict.
The questionnaire used in this study was derived from the questionnaires used in Personal Value Test(Ung Yon Hwang and others, 1965), and Interpersonal Value Test(Ung Yon Hwang and other, 1965) and were modified and supplemented to be suitable for the purpose of the study. On the whole, the questions could be categorized into two groups, 24 questions related to educational philosophy and 48 questions related to teaching practice. 6 questions regarding the cause of conflict were excerpted from the questionnaires by Young Ran Hwang (1997), Sang Soon Kim (1999), and Hyun Soon Kim (1999) and additional 9 questions were added. In order to collect demographical questions, 8 questions were included. There are a total of 71 questions.
In order to identify the cause of the conflict, there were a total of 234 people inquired as subjects for the development of the first tool and total of 512 people were inquired for the development of final tool. In actual analysis, 416 people were interviewed.
The collected data were classified into A, B, and C and those results with a lot of missing values or excessively reactive were classified as C and were left out. The selected results were coded and were analysed using SPSS/PC+10.0 version (for Windows).
As a result, following conclusions were drawn based on the subject and hypothesis of the study There were differences in the level of perception of cause of conflict depending on the educational philosophy and actual instruction type of Taekwondo instructor.
1) The interaction effect between the educational philosophy and actual instruction type of Taekwondo instructor does effect the level of perception of educational conflict.
2) The interaction effect between the educational philosophy and actual instruction type of Taekwondo instructor does effect the level of perception of social conflict.
3) The interaction effect between the educational philosophy and actual instruction type of Taekwondo instructor does effect the level of perception of economical conflict.
4) The interaction effect between the educational philosophy and actual instruction type of Taekwondo instructor does effect the level of perception of working environment conflict.
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The change of health variables and mood state through the influence of women`s exercising at the postmenopausal 폐경기 여성의 운동참여가 건강관련 변인과 정서상태 변화에 미치는 영향
41(5) 167-176, 2002
The change of health variables and mood state through the influence of women`s exercising at the postmenopausal 폐경기 여성의 운동참여가 건강관련 변인과 정서상태 변화에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is that we find out that if the women at the postmenopausal continue to participate in exercising, it will affect health variables and mood states. So we will get basic materials to improve that kind of women`s life. The subjects of this study, which take part in our research are 14 women at the postmenopausal, who attend aerobic class in sports center in Seoul and 15 women as a control group. A total of 29 women have taken part in this research. They did aerobic for 40∼50 minutes four times per week for 12 weeks. We regard the weight, body fat, VO2max as health variables and mood state as psychological variables. We measured each time, that is advance, middle, after the point of time. We used of experimental design, which consists of control group and exercising group and 2×3 Factorial Design with Repeated-measures which is composed of advance, middle, after point of time in measurement. Through the measured materials we produced average and standard deviation according to point of time in measurement with using repeated measured 2 way ANOVA.
According to the results of our research, if women at the postmenopausal continue to participate in exercising, it influences their body fat and VO2max, that is health variables which are changed statistically. Also, we`ve found out statistical differences between psychological Factorial and mental-pain factorial.
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A study on the development of mental training program and the effectiveness for swimmer 스포츠심리학: 수영경기의 심리기술 프로그램개발 및 효율성 검증
41(5) 177-188, 2002
A study on the development of mental training program and the effectiveness for swimmer 스포츠심리학: 수영경기의 심리기술 프로그램개발 및 효율성 검증
The purpose of this research was to develop a mental training program which can be used abreast with a physical training program, to verify how effective the program was in improving the swimmer`s ability of the competitiveness, and to provide a useful data for relevant research. The research was proceeded on the basis of several approaches - discussion and verification of the program with prior and current national team coaches and sports psychologists, my personal experiences as a swimming teacher, and the previous studies of mental training programs and the theoretical research,
The processes of developing mental training program for the swimmer were as followed:
First, excellent swimmers` psychological experiences and characteristics were collected and analyzed through the study of preceding mental training programs.
Second, the national swimming team`s athletes and coaches` mental training materials were collected and analyzed by means of survey and interview.
Third, the development of the first mental training program for the swimmer was verified by the professional groups. Also it was applied and verified by the national swimming athletes and standing athletes.
Fourth, the program was corrected and supplied through the swimming specialists` and sports psychologists` conferences.
Last, the final version of the program was developed after the content analysis of the program.
In order to verify these hypotheses, the subjects of this study were chosen from the physical education high school students who were currently registered athletes in Korean swimming association in 1998. The experimental group consisted of 5 males and 5 females who were physical education high school students in Seoul, whereas the control group consisted of 5 males and 5 females who were students in local areas.
As for the measurement, CSAI-2 test developed by Martens(1990),
The analysis of the data was preceeded as the following methods.
CSAI-2 test, two-way ANOVA was used to compare between the control and experimental groups. The competition state anxiety test.
The research regarding mental training program obtained the results as followed:
The competitive state anxiety level decreased in the experimental group than the control group after 12 week mental training program.
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Qualitative Analysis on Issues of Outcome For Leadership Style and Coaching Talent in Rhythmic Gymnastics 스포츠심리학: 리듬체조코치들의 리더십 유형에 따른 질적 연구
41(5) 189-206, 2002
Qualitative Analysis on Issues of Outcome For Leadership Style and Coaching Talent in Rhythmic Gymnastics 스포츠심리학: 리듬체조코치들의 리더십 유형에 따른 질적 연구
The purpose of this study was to provide the informations for improving the ability of coach` leadership. So, the coaching leadership style of the successful coaches in Rhythmic Gymnastics were analyzed. The coaches were teaching the athletes who got a prize in the games of the domestic or international competitions. The coaches were put a question to about characteristics of qualities which were important to be a successful coach. And the causes of getting a prize or not in the games were analyzed too.
The subjects for this study consist of the coaches whose students got a prize in the games and were interviewed. In order to interview them, the open-ended questionnaires which were chosen by sport psychologists who experienced the quality studies before. The data for analysis of the research were identified from the analysis of the interviews. Results obtained from this research are as follows; 1) The parts of democratic leadership style or mixed (democratic and autocratic style were mixed) leadership style are more then the parts of autocratic leadership style. 2) The study showed that the dimension of attitude and philosophy is more important than any other dimension in relational to coach` quality. 3) In relation to the causes of getting a prize or not in the games, the study show that the common causes are mental power, confidence and faithful relationship between a coach and a athlete. 4) In relation to the quality of being a excellent coach, when she was an athlete, did she got a prize certainly in the games? The answer is no. The study shows that it is not necessary that she got a prize ago. What is more important is that she has a evident subjectivity and makes an effort continuously, when she become a coach.
The conclusion of this study is that a coach chooses adequately the style of democratic leadership or mixed leadership to accomplish the purposes as things go. When a coach teaches an athlete with love and let her make an exercise sufficiently, she gains confidence in her own ability finally and will have a faithful relationship between her and a coach. And after she becomes a coach, she must make an effort continuously to improve he ability as a coach. This is an important factor of quality as a coach too.
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The Effect of Corrective Feedback on Self-Efficacy Improvement and Motor Learning 스포츠심리학: 교정적 피드백이 자기효능감 향상과 운동학습에 미치는 효과
김진기JinGiKim , 김홍석HongSeokKim
41(5) 207-213, 2002
The Effect of Corrective Feedback on Self-Efficacy Improvement and Motor Learning 스포츠심리학: 교정적 피드백이 자기효능감 향상과 운동학습에 미치는 효과
김진기JinGiKim , 김홍석HongSeokKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a teacher`s corrective feedback on self-efficacy`s improvement and golf putting learning, the subjects of this study were 30 male students, the fist grade at high school. They have had training twice a week for four weeks, The results of this study are as follows.
1. the experiment group which was received the corrective feedback of a teacher revealed high self-efficacy than the control group(p<.01).
2. the experiment group which was received the corrective feedback of a teacher revealed more efficiency than the control group at golf putting learning(p<.0.5).
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measurement in Sport Psychologh-Construction and assessement 스포츠심리학: 스포츠 심리측정-개발과 평가
41(5) 215-231, 2002
measurement in Sport Psychologh-Construction and assessement 스포츠심리학: 스포츠 심리측정-개발과 평가
Since human though, emotion, and behavior have not been easily quantifiable, measurement in sport psychology has remained a dominant issue throughout the evolution of the field. Many researchers have provided measurement issue in terms of construction and evaluation of psychological inventory. That is, measures in sport psychology are not soundly based on theory, and not systematically evaluated. This study focused discussion on cross-cultural conceptualization and psychometric assessment for validity and stability of measurement. As the first step in measurement construction, this study claimed that the construct being measured should be identified through a conceptual analysis and careful observation of the culture, and argued for the construction of theoretical multidimensional models based on fusion cultural perspectives. Next, this study carefully reviewed the statistical aspects of construction and validation of psychological measurement. Construct validity has been typically tested by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The usefulness of CFA for purposes of construct validation has been widely endorsed. The MTMM analysis assesses convergent, discriminant validity, and method effects, and also reveals potential problems in the ‘Jingle’ and ‘Jangle’ fallacy(March, 1997). The Rasch model allows researchers to find the probability of getting an item correct given a certain ability level for an individual. The SEM permits for direct tests of construct stability over time, the stability of latent variables, temporal stability of the error variance.
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Effect of Augmented Feedback on Motor Learning in Self-paced vs. Externally-paced Task 스포츠심리학: 타조기술과제와 자조기술과제에서의 보강 피드백의 운동학습효과
한지영JiYoungHan , 김기웅KeeWoongKim
41(5) 233-243, 2002
Effect of Augmented Feedback on Motor Learning in Self-paced vs. Externally-paced Task 스포츠심리학: 타조기술과제와 자조기술과제에서의 보강 피드백의 운동학습효과
한지영JiYoungHan , 김기웅KeeWoongKim
The purpose of this research is to investigate how the effect of augmented feedback is altered by the characteristics of task. Two experiments were undertaken with self-paced and externally-paced tasks in order to solve this question empirically. In the first experiment one group was given augmented feedback while the other was not. In the second experiment, the same method was used but with the self-paced task to see augmented feedback effect.
It was hypothesized that the effect of augmented feedback on motor learning varies as a function of task characteristic, i.e., self-paced versus externally-paced task. To test it, this research set up the following hypothesis; augmented feedback effect on performance and learning would be different depending on the characteristics of task. Specifically, augmented feedback effect would not be significant with externally-paced task`s learning whereas the effect would be significant for self-paced task.
To test the hypothesis, tow groups of ten female university students were required to perform ten blocks of an externally-paced coincident timing task with and without KR in a 2×10 factorial design with repeated-measures on the second factor(Exp.Ⅰ), while another two groups of subject were to perform ten blocks of a self-paced timing task in the same experimental conditions(Exp.Ⅱ) as in ExperimentⅠ.
In experimentⅠ, there was not significant differences in performance both in acquisition and retention stages between KR(Knowledge of result) group and No KR group. But in experiment Ⅱ, KR group had better performance in both acquisition and retention phases. These results altogether suggested the conclusion that augmented feedback was crucial in learning a self-paced task while it was not for the case of an externally-paced task, thus supporting Magill`s suppositions.
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Relations between High School Female Students’ EQ and Locomodation Capacity 스포츠교육학: 여고생의 EQ 지수와 운동능력의 관계
41(5) 247-259, 2002
Relations between High School Female Students’ EQ and Locomodation Capacity 스포츠교육학: 여고생의 EQ 지수와 운동능력의 관계
This study was to find a correlation between the sensibility index of self-control, self-motivation, empathy, emotion-control, and the exercise ability of speed, upper arm muscular strength, leg muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, cardiac and lung endurance, and then identify the effect of sensibility index with each sub-variable on the exercise ability and its sub-variables. Based on that, it was to find how much influence do high school girl students` practical skills in physics had from the development of sensibility index.
Forth the study, it measured sensibility index and exercise ability with 440 high school girl students as subjects, and a SPSSWIN10.0 statistical program was used for data analysis. A correlation analysis was done to find a correlation between each sub-variables of sensibility index and each sub-variables of exercise ability, and a regression analysis was performed to find the effect of sensibility index and its sub-variables on exercise ability and its sub-variables.
As a result of analysis, it concluded as follows; First, sensibility index did not influence speed, an element of physical strength, but emotion-control, one of the sub-variables of sensibility index, had influence on speed(p<.05). Second, self-control and emotion-control, above all the sensibility index, had influence on upper arm muscular strength(p<.05). Third, leg muscular strength was influenced not by sensibility index, but by emotion-control, one of the sub-variables of sensibility index(p<.05). Fourth, muscular endurance was influenced by sensibility index, especially by the sub-variables of self-control and emotion-control(p<.05). Fifth, the sub-variable of self-control had influence on flexibility(p<.05). Sixth, sensibility index did not influence cardiac and lung endurance.
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The Practical Effort of the Source of Trouble and the Concern About Students by Secendary Physical Education Teachers 스포츠교육학: 중등 체육교사의 학생에 대한 관심과 고민거리에 대한 실천적 노력
이종철JongChulLee , 조홍식HongSikCho
41(5) 261-274, 2002
The Practical Effort of the Source of Trouble and the Concern About Students by Secendary Physical Education Teachers 스포츠교육학: 중등 체육교사의 학생에 대한 관심과 고민거리에 대한 실천적 노력
이종철JongChulLee , 조홍식HongSikCho
The purpose of this study is physical education teacher’s concerns, agony for students and analyze what their multiple-effort for practise on to solve it. To achieve the purpose of the study, it was interviewed with 8 secondary physical education teachers in Kyonggi-do to get more profound understanding. Further, different data were collected by the concerned literature to conduct qualitative case study.
The data collected was classified into transcription, symbolization, category and subject. The appropriateness and reliability of the study were examined by means of multi-angle approach, specialist meeting and review by the participants, so that it was attempted to enhance the ethic of the study.
As a result of analysis, for student concerns were gain student’s achievement for area, student’s responses on the lesson, student’s motive and how to attract the participation, student’s individual difference and correlations with student.
Moreover, physical education teachers used multiple-method many concerns and get over difficulty for students.
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Gender Bias in Physical Education Classes: An Observation Study 스포츠교육학: 체육 수업의 성에 따른 차별에 관한 관찰 연구
41(5) 275-283, 2002
Gender Bias in Physical Education Classes: An Observation Study 스포츠교육학: 체육 수업의 성에 따른 차별에 관한 관찰 연구
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Middle School Students` Perceptions of Physical Activities-A Case Study 스포츠교육학: 중학교 학생들의 체육시간에 참여하는 신체활동에 관한 견해-사례 연구
임현주HyunJuIm , 유정애JeongAeYou
41(5) 285-295, 2002
Middle School Students` Perceptions of Physical Activities-A Case Study 스포츠교육학: 중학교 학생들의 체육시간에 참여하는 신체활동에 관한 견해-사례 연구
임현주HyunJuIm , 유정애JeongAeYou
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The Influence of Adolescent’s Indirect participation in Sport Activities on the Self-Concept 사회체육: 청소년의 스포츠활동 간접참여가 자아개념에 미치는 영향
41(5) 299-308, 2002
The Influence of Adolescent’s Indirect participation in Sport Activities on the Self-Concept 사회체육: 청소년의 스포츠활동 간접참여가 자아개념에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to examine the Influence of adolescent’s indirect participation in sport activities on the Self-Concept. For accomplishing these purpose, the 691 subjects were selected using the multi-stage stratified random cluster sampling method from the junior and senior students who study at middle and high school in Seoul, in 2000.
The data for the study were collected through the survey questionnaires. The question for sports activity was developed by McPherson(1972), Allison, Greendorfer, Spink, and Koehler(1979)and prepared by Lee(1991).
The questionnaire for Tennessee Self-Concept Scale developed by Fitts(1965) and standardized in Korean language by Jung(1968) were used. Cronbach’s a in this questionaries is from .678 to .836.
The statistical methods utilized for testing the hypotheses were Cronbach’a, standard multiple regression analysis using the residual after controlling the socio-demographic characteristics.
From the analysis of the data, the conclusion of the study were obtain as the followings:
First, Adolescent’s indirect participation in Sport Activities are partially influence on the Physical-self.
Second, Adolescent’s indirect participation in Sport Activities are partially influence on the Moral Ethical-self.
Third, Adolescent’s indirect participation in Sport Activities are partially influence on the Personal-self.
Fourth, Adolescent’s indirect participation in Sport Activities are partially influence on the Family-self.
Lastly, Adolescent’s indirect participation in Sport Activities are partially influence on the Social-self.
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An Analysis of Leisure Satisfaction of the Women for Participation in Dance-for-all Program 사회체육: 생활무용 참여여성의 여가만족도 분석
김현석HyunSukKim , 임금옥KeumOkLim
41(5) 309-319, 2002
An Analysis of Leisure Satisfaction of the Women for Participation in Dance-for-all Program 사회체육: 생활무용 참여여성의 여가만족도 분석
김현석HyunSukKim , 임금옥KeumOkLim
This study was intended to provide basic materials for probing the developmental direction of dance for all corresponding to the diverse needs and level of participators. For this purpose, this study attempted to analyze participator’s leisure satisfaction for participation in dance for all with a focus on its events popularly practiced in Korea in response to the diverse needs for dance for all with the increase of women’s desires for leisure.
As a result, the following results were obtained:
1. In terms of psychological satisfaction, the group the adult women, in their 10s, unmarried, involved in Korean dance and enrolled in dance for all over the period of more than three years, showed the high level of leisure satisfaction.
2. In terms of physical satisfaction, the group of adult women, more than 60 years of age, married, involved in jazz dance and enrolled in dance for all over the period between one year and less than 3 years, showed the high level of leisure satisfaction.
3. In terms of environmental satisfaction, the group of adult women, in their 10s, married, involved in Korean dance and enrolled in dance for all over the period of more than three years, showed the high level of leisure satisfaction.
4. In terms of educational satisfaction, the group of adult women, in their 10s, unmarried, involved in jazz dance and enrolled in dance for all over the period of more than three years, showed the high level of leisure satisfaction.
5. In terms of social satisfaction, the group of adult women, in their 10s, married, involved in Korean dance and enrolled in dance for all over the period of more than three years, showed the high level of leisure satisfaction.
6. In terms of total leisure satisfaction, the group of adult women, in their 10s, married, involved in Korean dance and enrolled in dance for all over the period of more than three years, showed the high level of leisure satisfaction.
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A Study for Ski Manias` Experience through the Grounded Theory Approach 여가,레크리에이션: 근거 이론적 접근을 통한 스키 매니아의 경험 연구
41(5) 323-335, 2002
A Study for Ski Manias` Experience through the Grounded Theory Approach 여가,레크리에이션: 근거 이론적 접근을 통한 스키 매니아의 경험 연구
The purpose of this study was to present corroborated data about how the ski manias’ experience reveals on the grounded theory approach. This study explored the 9 ski manias’ selected by convenience sampling using the grounded theory method.
As the qualitative analysis, based on Corbin & Strauss(1990)’s grounded theory for ski manias’ experience, 9 people were involved in collecting data such as in-depth interview, self description, E-mail and reference.
As a result of the two analyses, the conclusions can be summarized as follows.
Firstly, according to the level of ski manias’ participation, the various experience affects to ski manias’ standard levels.
Secondly, according to the evidence of the grounded theory paradigm, it consists of the 130 concept words extracted from the result that is divided into 25 subcategories and 9 core categories. The casual condition of the association process was ‘motivation of participation’ and the phenomenon was suggested as ‘ski participation’. The affecting context was described as ‘value of consciousness for leisure activity’. In this context, the intervening condition that catalyzes or restrains the strategy are ‘continuing participation’ and ‘conflict’. The action/interaction strategies were ‘investment for ski’, ‘conflict solution’ and ‘changing experience’. The consequence shows ‘main behavior and attitudes’. Therefore, each category has extended their connections so that the hypotheses have pursued the theoretical frameworks as clarifying the property and the dimension. The study was to compare the relationship between the hypotheses and evidential data in constant basis. The important point in this study is that the styles of the participation of ski manias were divided into three categories such as the Intermediate Mania, the Strong Mania and the Super Mania.
Thirdly, according to the three types of manias, they made a conditional path that illustrates the level of category about attribute.
In this respect, it can be described as ski manias not only enjoy self-satisfaction through ski participation but also have the positive change as a good leisure activity. Many participations for skiing build up optimistic attitudes forward their life cycles.
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A Study on the Leisure Satisfaction and Collegiate-life Satisfaction according to the Types of Circle Activities 여가,레크리에이션: 동아리 유형별 여가만족 및 대학생활 만족도
박상욱SangUokPark , 홍근하GunHaHong , 강현희HyunHeeKang
41(5) 337-343, 2002
A Study on the Leisure Satisfaction and Collegiate-life Satisfaction according to the Types of Circle Activities 여가,레크리에이션: 동아리 유형별 여가만족 및 대학생활 만족도
박상욱SangUokPark , 홍근하GunHaHong , 강현희HyunHeeKang
The purpose of this study was 1) to investigate leisure-satisfaction of university students and university life-satisfaction according to the types of circle activities ; 2) to identify the correlation between leisure-satisfaction and university life-satisfaction ; 3) to provide recommendations for enhancing the degree of university life-satisfaction of university students.
The research findings resulting from those study and analysis were as follows:
First, as the result of analysis of the factors for leisure-satisfaction by independent variables of the circle members, men and junior students were enjoying satisfaction as the psychological aspect.
Second, the analysis result of collegiate-life satisfaction of circle participants by independent variables did not show any significant difference. But men showed higher interest than woman in the aspect of collegiate-life satisfaction through circle participation.
Third, the analysis result of leisure satisfaction for the types of circle, the majority members showed high level of leisure satisfaction.
Fourth, the analysis result of leisure satisfaction and collegiate-life satisfaction did not show any significant difference between the sport circle and other circles.
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Intrinsic Motivation and Flow Experiences in Recreational Leisure Activity
오세이SeiYiOh , 오세숙SaeSookOh
41(5) 345-353, 2002
Intrinsic Motivation and Flow Experiences in Recreational Leisure Activity
오세이SeiYiOh , 오세숙SaeSookOh
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A Study of Athlete Satisfaction among High School Students-Athletes 여가,레크리에이션: 고등학교 운동선수의 만족도에 관한 연구
김동건DongKunKim , 조민행MinHaengCho , 전용배YongBaeJeon
41(5) 355-364, 2002
A Study of Athlete Satisfaction among High School Students-Athletes 여가,레크리에이션: 고등학교 운동선수의 만족도에 관한 연구
김동건DongKunKim , 조민행MinHaengCho , 전용배YongBaeJeon
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A marketing plan for Ski-resort green consumers` behavior pattern 스포츠산업,경영: 스키리조트 그린소비자 행동유형에 따른 마케팅 접근
고순만SoonManKo , 이덕성DuckSungLee , 김학신HakShinKim
41(5) 367-386, 2002
A marketing plan for Ski-resort green consumers` behavior pattern 스포츠산업,경영: 스키리조트 그린소비자 행동유형에 따른 마케팅 접근
고순만SoonManKo , 이덕성DuckSungLee , 김학신HakShinKim
This study was intended to identify the difference between the expected and perceived service quality of consumers visiting the ski resort and find out the suggestive points that could present the effective green marketing plan by analyzing diverse relationships such as consumers’ general characteristics. type of choice, type of visit and the like. First, an attempt was made to analyze the choice type of ski resorts. As a result, it was found that college students have recently taken an impromptu trip during the short period of within 3 months rather than taken a tour under a long-term plan. And the younger age group than that of older than 25 years showed a preference for the ski resort. In choosing a destination, it was found that younger children’s opinions or the consensus between family members were becoming more important. Second, an attempt was made to test the difference between the level of expected and satisfied service quality on the ski resort. It was found that they was not so satisfied with the ski resort as they expected. Concretely, consumers having a preference for "specialized service" showed a great degree of dissatisfaction, feeling more greatly disappointed than they expected in terms of the operation of diverse events, landmarks for convenient use, excellent use-only facility rather than clean indoor environment, excellent incidental facilities. And consumers having a preference for "assorted produced service" were relatively dissatisfied, feeling more greatly disappointed than they expected in terms of the linkage with the surrounding tourist facility rather than a diversity of entertainment facilities. Third, an attempt was made to test the difference in the level of expectation to service quality preferred by green consumers. As a result, it was found that consumers had the highest level of expectation to factors of "active support for participation in the green market segment and of "assorted products and services" in the market segment. And they showed the highest level of expectation to the factor types such as "specialized services" and "assorted products and services" in the market segment of "active support for participation". Fourth, an attempt was made to investigate the characteristics of the type of visits by age. As a result, it was found that younger consumers visited the ski resort to engage in sports activity the they liked. On the other hand, older consumers had the increasing tendency to visit the ski resort with family, friends, fellow workers and the like. The type of visits such as relaxation, emotional satisfaction, release of stress and the like were naturally on the increase. Fifth, an attempt was made to test the difference in the type of information source by age of green consumers. As a result, it was found that the relatively younger group of "more than 25 years of age" had access to a diversity of information sources by engaging in information search of the resort that they would visit through "communication media", "printed media", individual source" and the like.
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The Influence of the Work Environment and Culture of the Employees in Commercial Sport Organization on the Empowerment and Organization Results 스포츠산업,경영: 상업스포츠 조직 구성원의 근무환경 및 조직문화가 임파워먼트 및 조직성과에 미치는 영향
41(5) 387-397, 2002
The Influence of the Work Environment and Culture of the Employees in Commercial Sport Organization on the Empowerment and Organization Results 스포츠산업,경영: 상업스포츠 조직 구성원의 근무환경 및 조직문화가 임파워먼트 및 조직성과에 미치는 영향
Empowerment is used as a way of autonomy and creation. Despite of the concern of management practice, empirical studies are ver few. This study takes empowerment as a construct composed of four latent variable - meaning, competence, self-determination, impact. In this view, this study is to analysis the influence of the empowerment of the employees in commercial sport organization on organization results.
Data were collected from a sample of 200 employees who worked at the commercial sport organizations which were located in Seoul and Kyong-Gi. The material collection device was the brochure named <the survey on the influence of the empowerment of the employees in commercial sport organization on organization results.>. The result of reliability check up was her below; Chronbach’ a=.72∼.84. To analyze materials, multiple regression analysis, path analysis were used as statistic analysis techniques.
The results of this study were as follows:
First, the work environment of the employees in the commercial sport organization influences on the empowerment.
Second, the organization culture of the employees in the commercial sport organization influences on the empowerment.
Third, the work environment of the employees in the commercial sport organization does not influence on the organization results.
Fourth, the organization culture of the employees in the commercial sport organization does not influence on the organization results.
Fifth, the empowerment of the employees in the commercial sport organization influence on the organization results.
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Research Study of the Operational Case for Effective Operation of the Commercial Sports Facility 스포츠산업,경영: 상업스포츠시설의 효과적인 운영을 위한 운영사례 조사 연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate the operational case of the commercial sports facility for its effective operation and present its specific operational method based on it.
20 mangers(operational specialists and facility managers) at the existing comprehensive and individual sports centers were selected using the stratified random sampling method.
To investigated the operational case of the commercial sports facility from the composition of the facility to the scheme to attract customers for the operation of the commercial sports facility, PDI, the individual in-depth interview method, was used. Based on this individual in-depth interview method, the following conclusion was drawn:
First, the system of general membership prevailed on the sports center market rather than the system of regular membership. The main facility is changed from the swimming pool to the fitness club.
Second, it is possible to link fitness club, golf club and aerobic and dance club with each other in the composition of the facility, but the facility related to early childhood sports should be individually operated.
Third, it is effective to select the incidental facility that can satisfy customer service and customer attraction and operate it under the condition of direct operation rather than under the lease condition.
Fourth, customers gave the highest priority to the level of the commercial sports facility in choosing the sports center.
Fifth, it is necessary to make prior preparation for customers` complaints and respond immediately to them.
Sixth, the success of the sports center depends on the role for general manager to take overall operational responsibility for the sports center as a whole.
Seventh, principal customers of the downmarket sports center are increasingly the business population of less than their 30s and women in proportion.
Eighth, it is most effective to discount the price as one of the plans to attract and reenroll potential customers in the sports center.
Ninth, the profit of the fitness club and the indoor driving range within the sports center becomes higher than any other facility.
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The relation between sport brand personality perceived by sport consumers and sport brand loyalty 스포츠산업,경영: 스포츠소비자의 지각된 스포츠 브랜드 개성 차원과 브랜드 애호도와의 관계
남행웅HaengWoongNam , 최덕환DeokHwanChoi
41(5) 409-422, 2002
The relation between sport brand personality perceived by sport consumers and sport brand loyalty 스포츠산업,경영: 스포츠소비자의 지각된 스포츠 브랜드 개성 차원과 브랜드 애호도와의 관계
남행웅HaengWoongNam , 최덕환DeokHwanChoi
The purpose of this study was to search for a new route of stipulating a purchasing intention decision of sport consumers and to supply basic evidence of brand positioning in sports marketing by stipulating the relation between cognitive sport brand personality of sport product and brand loyalty based on sport consumers.
In order to achieve the purpose, the relation between sport consumer individuality sport product consumer and types of brand loyalty were posed as definite subjects of this study.
This study limited sport products to sport shoes and sport wear, and a type of brand loyalty was separated into emotional brand loyalty, cognitive brand loyalty, situational brand loyalty, and non-brand loyalty due to a rate of repetitive purchasing behavior and amicable attitude. Subjects of the study were people who were using commercial sport facilities. the rate of valid response was 97.93%. Collected data were computer-analyzed by proper procedure. for data analysis, appling SPSS win ver.10.0 frequency analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Cluster analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis were enforced, and for the significant conclusion between the large groups LSD was applied to the post-hoc verification, the conclusion were drawn as follows:
First, according to the sport product consumer groups, there were significant differences in the characteristics of sport brand personality.
Second, in the regression analysis of the brand personality, the regression analysis of sport product brand personality was statistically significant in that all(sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, and ruggedness) in sport shoes, and ruggedness variable was the most elucidative variable. In sport wear, sophistication was the most explanative variable.
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The Plan of Improvement to Equal Competition and Efficiency Management of National Sports Festival 스포츠산업,경영: 공정한 경쟁과 효율적 운영을 위한 전국체육대회 개선방안
이정학JeoungHakLee , 이용식YongSikLee
41(5) 423-431, 2002
The Plan of Improvement to Equal Competition and Efficiency Management of National Sports Festival 스포츠산업,경영: 공정한 경쟁과 효율적 운영을 위한 전국체육대회 개선방안
이정학JeoungHakLee , 이용식YongSikLee
Recently, it is increasing voice of management improvement to National Sports Festival. The purpose of this study was to search plan of improvement to equal competition and efficiency management for National Sports Festival, to promote inter-local of balanced sports development and to help local economic activation. The research methods for this study used to literature, field study and expert interview related to National Sport Festival. The final survey instrument was 4 items by a self developed tool constructed by the investigator collected 30 experts opinion. The results of this study indicated that the plan of management improvement to National Sports Festival might include the following. First, efficiency to improvement for athletic items. Second, establishment to entry qualify. Third, rational management for athletic form. Forth, inducement to profit sports festival.
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An Analysis of Brand Recognition of 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan on Official Sponsor Corporation 스포츠산업,경영: 2002 한·일 월드컵 공식후원업체에 대한 브랜드 인지도 분석
이정학JeoungHakLee , 이재돈JaeDonLee , 오승룡SeungRyongOh
41(5) 433-444, 2002
An Analysis of Brand Recognition of 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan on Official Sponsor Corporation 스포츠산업,경영: 2002 한·일 월드컵 공식후원업체에 대한 브랜드 인지도 분석
이정학JeoungHakLee , 이재돈JaeDonLee , 오승룡SeungRyongOh
The purpose of this study is to analyze the brand recognition of 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan on official sponsor corporation, to present actualized data for sport event participated official sponsor companies and sport organizations. Using the convenience sampling method in this study, self-administration methods was applied for the questionnaire used. Questionnaire was sampled before, during and after of 2002 world cup competition. The total number of subjects used was 1,270, 375 subjects were sampled 7 day before of 2002 world cup competition, 413 subjects were sampled during competition and 482 subjects were collected 7 day after of world cup close ceremony. The survey instrument was consisted to total 26 items, 16 items related to brand recognition 2002 world cup official sponsor and 10 items related subject to demographic information. The findings drawn from above methodology and result analysis are as follows. The official sponsor corporation showed higher total brand recognition than non-official sponsor enterprise. On the other hand, such a SK telecom and NIKE, non-official sponsor was showed high brand recognition on 2002 FIFA Korea/Japan World Cup through attactive marketing strategies.
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A comparative study on the effectiveness of advertising of sports player and typical consumer model 스포츠산업,경영: 스포츠 선수와 일반 소비자 모델의 광고효과 비교 연구
조경섭KyoungSeopCho , 박찬호ChanHoPark
41(5) 445-457, 2002
A comparative study on the effectiveness of advertising of sports player and typical consumer model 스포츠산업,경영: 스포츠 선수와 일반 소비자 모델의 광고효과 비교 연구
조경섭KyoungSeopCho , 박찬호ChanHoPark
This study analyzed the effect of using sports player as a typical consumer model. Recently, requesting Sports Players as a commercial model has been a increased. According to that, this research was designed to prove the effect by comparing the typical consumer model and a sports player.
In order to analyze the effect of using a sports player as a model, 240 students from D university was investigated in a depth interview. For the research, commercial reliability, attitudes toward commercials and a trademark, variables of the intention of purchase was used as a measurement variable and it was measured with a multiple choice scale.
Therefore to verify the reliability of the variable, Cronbach` coefficient was measured. To prove the reliability the research was designed to have an interval between the response of the commercial of a sports player and a model per person. 480 papers was used to analyze the study. The results are as follows. First, the commercial reliability of a sports player was found to be higher than the commercial reliability of a model(p<.01). Second, attitudes toward commercials of a sports player was measured higher than the attitudes of commercial of a model(p<.01). Third, attitudes toward the trademark shown in the commercial of a sports player was measured to be higher than the other(p<.01). Forth, the intention to buy was examined to be higher in a commercial of a sports player(p<.01). However, this study was done during the World Cup and was limited to one product. Concerning this, research of various products should be done to generalize the result of this study.
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Development of service quality scale in ski class(SQSSC) 스포츠산업,경영: 스키 수업의 서비스품질 척도 개발에 관한 연구
조송현SongHyeonCho , 홍석표SeokPyoHong
41(5) 459-468, 2002
Development of service quality scale in ski class(SQSSC) 스포츠산업,경영: 스키 수업의 서비스품질 척도 개발에 관한 연구
조송현SongHyeonCho , 홍석표SeokPyoHong
The purpose of this study was to develop a scale of service quality in ski class. To achieve the purpose of this study, SSQPS developed by Ko(2000) was translated and modified to use in ski class. Population of the data used in this study was university students who participated in ski class. Throughout the research procedures including back translation, expert meeting, pre-test, sampling, data analysis. Results of this study are as follows :
–First, SQSSC(service quality scale in ski class) was consisted with four sub-domains such as program, interaction, physical environment, and achievement. In detail, program quality included two sub-domains such as information and operating time. slope, convenience, and design were sub-domain for physical environment quality. Also, achievement quality was divided into two areas such as sociability and physical change. Second, based on outputs from structural equation modeling(SEM), it was indicated that the model used to develop a SQSSC had relatively good fit with significant scores of model indices. Finally, reliability and validity of the scale also showed relatively high scores.
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The Effect of Title Sponsorship of Golf Championship on Corporate Image 스포츠산업,경영: 골프경기 타이틀 스폰서십이기업이미지에 미치는 영향
41(5) 469-488, 2002
The Effect of Title Sponsorship of Golf Championship on Corporate Image 스포츠산업,경영: 골프경기 타이틀 스폰서십이기업이미지에 미치는 영향
This study was conducted to determine and set guidelines for corporate sponsorship of golf Championship by identifying event attitude by spectator involvement, sponsorship preference, brand attitude and the casual model of corporate image with regard to spectators at golf matches and analyzing the effect of corporate participation in golf Championship sponsorship.
To that end, convenience sampling was performed to get a sample of 601 subjects out of all spectators who were present at the 44th Kolon Korea Open Golf Championship. Of the 601 subjects, 589 were utilized for the study excluding those that were not checked for more than three analysis categories. SPSS Ver. 10.0 and AMOS 4.01 were used for sample processing. And demographics were studied by frequency analysis while covariance structure analysis was utilized to identify spectator involvement, event attitude, perceived sponsorship effect, sponsorship preference, brand attitude and the casual model of corporate image. Study results are summarized below: 1) While event attitude and sponsorship preference had a significantly positive effect on brand attitude, image improvement did not have any significant effect on brand attitude. 2) Confidence acquisition and sponsorship preference did not significantly affect corporate image regarding the relationship between title sponsorship and corporate image. 3) Brand image had an effect on corporate image and social contribution image. 4) Corporate image positively affected social contribution image.
In conclusion, I would like to suggest three guidelines for corporate sponsorship of golf Championship and improving overall corporate image. Businesses taking part in title sponsorship must engage in more marketing campaigns aimed at transforming characteristics peculiar to golf matches into better corporate or brand image. They must also step up their efforts to change the public awareness that corporate sponsorship for golf Championship is commercially motivated. Finally, they must work hard on maximizing the positive effect of golf sponsorship-related corporate image on brand attitude by executing carefully devised marketing programs, including events, not only for the game itself but also for all other related areas.
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Women Dancer’s Competitive Anxiety before Performance in terms of Dance Style and School Level 무용: 무용유형과 학교급별 여자무용수들의 공연전 상태불안
김미경MiKyungKim , 이강헌KangHunLee
41(5) 491-500, 2002
Women Dancer’s Competitive Anxiety before Performance in terms of Dance Style and School Level 무용: 무용유형과 학교급별 여자무용수들의 공연전 상태불안
김미경MiKyungKim , 이강헌KangHunLee
This study was designed to find out that how much women dancers feel state anxiety (cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety, self-confidence) before performance, and that how the level of the anxiety differs in terms of dance style and school level. For this purpose, a total of 164 students, who participated in the 5th National Dance Competition for Elementary, Middle and High Schools, were sampled, which were compose of 74 students of middle (korean dance: 24, ballet; 30, modern dance: 20), 90 students of high school (korean dance: 30, ballet: 30, modern dance: 30). Following findings could be obtained by conducting 2-way ANOVA according to each causation of anxiety after means and standard deviation between dance style and school level, with measured data. This study was used by Park, hyun-suk’s competitive state anxiety scale developed by Martens(1990).
1. Cognitive anxiety tended to be increasing when the age was lowering in school level, but there is not specific cognitive anxiety concerning styles of dance. It appers, however, that there are not interactive effects between the style and the school level.
2. There are specific differences in ballet, contrasted to korean dance or modern dance, concerning somatic anxiety, and it appears that there are not interactive effects between dance style and school level, while middle school students show specific differences in school level.
3. There are not differences between school level both in dance style and school level concerning self-confidence.
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Analyses of Eating Behaviors and Disorders among Female Dancers 무용: 여자 무용수들의 섭식행동과 섭식장애 분석
유진JinYoo , 김광자KwangJaKim
41(5) 501-510, 2002
Analyses of Eating Behaviors and Disorders among Female Dancers 무용: 여자 무용수들의 섭식행동과 섭식장애 분석
유진JinYoo , 김광자KwangJaKim
This study attempted to analyze eating behavior and disorders among 326 college female dancers. Based on theoretical approaches and empirical data, it was hypothesized that there would significant differences in eating behaviors(external, emotional, and restrained) and disorders(bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa) among Korean, ballet, modern female dancers. Dancer’s eating behaviors were assessed by using the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire which consist with external, emotional, and restrained eating behaviors, and their levels of eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa were measured by the Korean Eating Disorder Questionnaire. The results of MANOVAs indicated that ballerinas were more likely to restrain their levels of eating than Korean dancers, and modern dancers were more likely to respond their eating behaviors toward external eating cues than ballerinas. Modern dancers exhibited the higher levels of bulimia nervosa than those in the other dance majors, and ballerinas showed the higher levels of anorexia nervosa than Korean dancers. These results were discussed with the eating restraint theory and were interpreted based on the assumption that the excessive physical activities and body shape might play a central role in the development of eating disorder.
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The influence of gymnastik in 20th century dance 무용: 20세기 춤에 나타난 짐네스틱케(gymnastike)의 영향
41(5) 511-526, 2002
The influence of gymnastik in 20th century dance 무용: 20세기 춤에 나타난 짐네스틱케(gymnastike)의 영향
The influence of ancient Greece on physical activities has planted itself as one field of harmonious system and the status of Plato(BC 427∼347) is also appreciated very high. K. Jaspers(1954) mentioned that the study on Plato is not outdated at all, and we have much possibility to discover new knowledge from Plato at any time.
Plato’s ideology, gymnastik, an ancient Greek word, has very different meaning from today’s gymnatics. The nuance of gymnastik does not mean simply ‘movement,’ but it is ‘trained movement’ which should be done within the boundary of certain standards, related to timing, and made following fixed rules.
In early 20th century, these gumnastik emerged as a wave of phenomenon looking forword to renewal by Hellenism as many relics of ancient civilization such as Troy and Micenae was discovered by Heinrich Schliemann.
In dance, new activities of gymnastik pursued music, rhythm, expression and freedom, prompted by Plato’s philosophy of gymnastik.
The wave of gymnastik in modern dance had influence on Isadora Duncan, Vaslav Nijinsky, Rudolf Von Laban, Mary Wigman in Europe, and Emil Jacques-Dalcroze(1865∼1950) created a new style of dance, Eurhythmics, based on gymnastik. The gymnastik also affected Ruth St. Denis, Doris Humphrey, then moved over to the United States and was welcomed by Hanya Holm and Harald Kreutzberg there.
However, gymnastik performance is quite often known simply as rhythmic sports gymnastics or athletics due to a mistake of interpretation in the dance world. That is a big mistake in its true concept and when we consider that urhythmics led to rhythmic sports gymnastics, we come to a conclusion that we are going backward dance history. Therefore, the study on gymnastik which started in the beginning of 20th century is very meaningful.
Gymnastik gave the freedom needed for creation in light of dance’s nature, or its artistic, ethical, social attitudes.
20th century dancers have tried to find out sustainable new dance values through these historical searching. In addition, the characteristic of gymnastik is that this art was not existed as gymnastic tools or means, but held in common as a current art the same as other types of arts reflected its synchronic times.
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The Structure of Salpuri analyzed through the Semiotic Methodology 무용: 기호학을 통해 본 살풀이춤의 구조 분석
정재만JeManJung , 민성희SungHeeMin
41(5) 527-544, 2002
The Structure of Salpuri analyzed through the Semiotic Methodology 무용: 기호학을 통해 본 살풀이춤의 구조 분석
정재만JeManJung , 민성희SungHeeMin
This study presents new paradigm to explain dance deeply through the systemic and scientific practical methodology differing from existing method. Especially, Salpuri, korean traditional dance, has the binary oppositions in its name. So to speak, the meaning of ‘Sal(balefulness)’ and ‘Puri(removing)’ has binary oppositions structure.
According to the result which is analyzed from the viewpoint of semiotics, Salpuri has binary oppositions like these, life and death, Han(regret) and Hung(enthusiasm), Yin and Yang, Ri(spirit) and Gi(matter), Sal(balefulness) and Puri(removing) smolder and relent. The structure of ‘smolder and relent’ discerns the meaning of binary oppositions,
Salpuri shows korean ‘Han(regret)’ spirit. As this whole structure shows in semiotic rectangle of Greimas, salpuri intents to ‘the world without Han(regret)’ under the opposite structure of ‘regret’ and ‘removing of regret’. The world without ‘Han(regret)’ expresses the monistic viewpoint of Oriental thought. Therefore, through the harmony of ‘life and death’ ‘Yin and Yang’ and ‘Ri(spirit) and Gi(matter)’, Salpuri units the every world. The monistic principle of Salpuri is analyzed by the semiotic methodology representatively, which is most dualistic.
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The case study of rehabilitation used in isokinetic and flexibility training for iliotibial band friction syndrome 운동생리학: Iliotibial band friction syndrome에서 등속성 훈련과 유연성 훈련을 이용한 재활에 관한 사례
김광래KwangLaeKim , 김태욱TaeWookKim
41(5) 547-559, 2002
The case study of rehabilitation used in isokinetic and flexibility training for iliotibial band friction syndrome 운동생리학: Iliotibial band friction syndrome에서 등속성 훈련과 유연성 훈련을 이용한 재활에 관한 사례
김광래KwangLaeKim , 김태욱TaeWookKim
This study was about rehabilitation process of iliotibial band injury used in isokinetic and flexibility training in basketball player. subject was athlete of H university basketball team, who was prohibited any team training and participation of game for adaptation of team training, operated only aerobic capacity training used in bicycle ergometer during rehabilitation period. isokinetic training and flexibility training were used for rehabilitation program, and the results were as following;
1. Agonist / antagonist ratio was increased 68%∼71% in knee extension/flexion.
2. Peak torque(PT) was entirely increased in knee extension/flexion.
3. Deficit of left·right PT was decreased in knee extension/flexion less than 10%.
4. ROM was increased 0.4%(uninvolved) and 9.6%(involved) for 60deg./sec., decreased to 0.8%(uninvolved), but involved side was increased 3.4% for 180deg./sec. in knee extension/flexion.
5. PT/BW was increase 15.4%∼19.7% in knee extension/flexion.
It was shown that the results was approached to NSCA(National Strength and Conditioning Association) and several researcher presented perfective agonist/ antagonist ratio and deficit of left and right PT for athletes. this result will be presented similar result for basketball player and other sports player. and it was considered that useful method for reestablishment of normal strength to persons need recovery after injury.
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The changes of cardiopulmonary function at treadmill exercise stress test after correction of Tetralogy of Fallot`s 운동생리학: 팔로사증 교정술 후, 트레드밀 운동부하 검사시 심폐기능의 변화
The changes of cardiopulmonary function at treadmill exercise stress test after correction of Tetralogy of Fallot`s 운동생리학: 팔로사증 교정술 후, 트레드밀 운동부하 검사시 심폐기능의 변화
The purpose of this study was to compare the cardiopulmonary function at rest and during exercise of children following surgical correction of tetralogy of fallot(TOF).
The subjects consisted 14 children subjects who was aged 6-14 years were checked by medical process and exercise stress testing. Subjects were divided into 2 groups: control group(n=7) and TOF group(n=7). Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of independent t-test.
Results of this study were as follows.
1. There was no significantly difference on body composition(Age, Weight, Height, %BF) between control group and TOF group.
2. SBP(exercising 7. 9 min) and DBP(exercising 3, 5, 7min and recovery 1, 2min) were showed significantly(p<0.05) difference, but HR and peak V˙O2, were not significantly difference between the two groups.
3. Pulmonary function(FVC, MVV, FEV1.0sec, FEV0.5sec)was significantly(p<0.05) lower in TOF group than control group.
4. ST-segment(peak Exercising) was significantly(p<0.05) lower in TOF group than control group.
we conclude that the exercise capacity(peak VO2) of children with surgically corrected tetralogy of fallot is somewhat decreased even though pulmonary function is significantly decreased compared with control group.
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The Response to Lactate and Immunoglobulin of the Speed Skater in 500m and 5,000m Competition 운동생리학: 500m와 5,000m 스피드 스케이트 경기시 혈중 젖산수준과 면역 글로블린수준의 변화
김윤만YunManKim , 김문희MoonHeeKim
41(5) 573-580, 2002
The Response to Lactate and Immunoglobulin of the Speed Skater in 500m and 5,000m Competition 운동생리학: 500m와 5,000m 스피드 스케이트 경기시 혈중 젖산수준과 면역 글로블린수준의 변화
김윤만YunManKim , 김문희MoonHeeKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the responses to lactate, IgA, IgD, IgG and IgM of the speed skater performing a game under the real competition of 500m and 5,000m in the condition of coldness. Subjects, all male elite speed skaters were separated 500m group(N=4) 5,000m group(N=5). The blood sampling time of two groups were five times(rest, immediately after, recovery 1hour, recovery 2hour, recovery 6 hour). In the level of lactate, there were no significantly different in all events (500m, 5,000m groups), but there was significantly difference (p<.01) among the times (rest and immediately after, Recovery 1 hour, Recovery 2 hour, Recovery 6 hour). The pattern of change over time both groups for IgA, IgD, IgG and IgM were no significantly different. But the level of IgA was showed realistic difference between group in rest. Light physical activity or a moderate level of environmental stress stimulate the immune response, but exhausting physical activity or more severe cold stress have a suppressant effect, manifested by increase in susceptibility to viral infections.
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Effects of Dance on the Growth Hormone and Insulin-like Growth Factor I in Prepubertal Girls(1) 운동생리학: 무용이 아동기 여아의 성장호르몬과 IGF-I 분비에 미치는 영향
김향선HyangSunKim , 안의수EueSooAhn
41(5) 581-589, 2002
Effects of Dance on the Growth Hormone and Insulin-like Growth Factor I in Prepubertal Girls(1) 운동생리학: 무용이 아동기 여아의 성장호르몬과 IGF-I 분비에 미치는 영향
김향선HyangSunKim , 안의수EueSooAhn
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of dance on the growth hormone and insulin-like growth factorⅠ(GH and IGF-Ⅰ), a system known to be involved both in the process of growth and development and in the response to exercise. Healthy prepubertal girls (mean age 11.00±0.53 yr old) volunteered for the study and were randomized to control group (n=5) and dance group (HR 132-147bpm; 70%HRmax,/n=7). The members of dance group were trained for one hour a day for 8 weeks(three times a week). Subjects` blood samples were collected before and after training to determine serum GH and IGF-Ⅰconcentration. The concentrations of the two groups were analysed by using paired t-test(a=.05) and analysis of covariance(a=.05).
The results of this study were as follows;
1. The 8 weeks of dance training caused increases of serum growth hormone(GH) and serum insulin-like growth factorⅠ(IGF-Ⅰ) concentration.
2. The level of serum growth hormone(GH) and insulin-like growth factorⅠ(IGF-Ⅰ) concentration was significantly higher in the dance group than in the cotrol group. The findings suggest that dance can take good effect on growth and development of prepubertal girls by activating the secretion of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factorⅠ.
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The effect of breath hold on maximal apnea time and physiological responses during under water diving and the atmosphere in men 운동생리학: 수중과 대기에서의 breath holding이 최대 무호흡 시간과 생리적 반응에 미치는 영향
김효식HyoSikKim , 박정배JeongBaePark
41(5) 591-599, 2002
The effect of breath hold on maximal apnea time and physiological responses during under water diving and the atmosphere in men 운동생리학: 수중과 대기에서의 breath holding이 최대 무호흡 시간과 생리적 반응에 미치는 영향
김효식HyoSikKim , 박정배JeongBaePark
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of breath-hold time and physiological responses during under water diving and the atmosphere. Seven healthy versity caliber swimmers were volunteered as subject in the present study. All subjects performed 10 times breath-hold diving in the depth of 5m of swimming pool at 27℃
Major finding demonstrated that repetitive breath-hold diving induce an increase in hypoxia of peripheral tissues. In the present study demonstrate that lactic acid concentration was increased to the time course and significantly decrease in breath-holding time during under water diving. However, the mechanism of an increase of breath-hold time at atmosphere in all subjects may remain to be solved. In conclusion, repetitive breath-hold induces an increase in hypoxia of peripheral tissues.
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Clinical properties of dysmenorrhea in elite women athletes 운동생리학: 우수 운동선수들의 월경곤란증에 관한 임상적 특성
This study was planed to clarify the clinical properties of dysmenorrhea and change pattern by excessive training in elite women athletes. 192 top Korean women athletes who participated in regular training completed a modified MDQ(Moos Menstrual Distress Questionaire) and evaluated pain scale.
Women athletes were asked to state the degree of dysmenorrhea according to pain scale. The percentage is respectably 2-3(42.7%), 8-10(20.9%), 6-7(12.5%), 4-5(12.3%) and 0-1(11.6%). Analyses revealed that differences in menstrual cycle, menstrual flow amount, premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea symptoms to exercise type. Elite women athletes suffered the most discomport in lower abdomen(19.6%), breast(12.8%), and backs(9.6%) by dysmenorrhea
Furthermore, there was significant difference in the intensity of pain by dysmenorrhea to exercise type(χ2=17.68, p<.05) and excessive training was negative effect to dysmenorrhea.
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A Study on the change of Heart Rate, blood Lactate, Blood Pressure and MVO2 in Taekwondo Athletes during Taekwondo Competition 운동생리학: 우수 남녀 태권도 선수의 경기 중 심박수, 혈중 젖산, 혈압, 심근산소소비량의 변화
A Study on the change of Heart Rate, blood Lactate, Blood Pressure and MVO2 in Taekwondo Athletes during Taekwondo Competition 운동생리학: 우수 남녀 태권도 선수의 경기 중 심박수, 혈중 젖산, 혈압, 심근산소소비량의 변화
The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of heart rate, blood lactate, blood pressure and MV O2 during Taekwondo competition in males and females Taekwondo athletes, Data collected at the rest, competition, post immediate, recovery. The subject were consist of 8 males and 8 females in Taekwondo Athletes, The result of this study by analysis of variance of raw data from repetition measurement both male and female at the pre and post competition were as follows.
1. There was no significant difference of HR between male and female in competition, but between 1R and 2R and between 1R and 3 were significantly different. The highest HR of each round was 180∼189bpm, 90∼95% of HRmax.
2. There was no significant difference of blood lactate between male and female, but lactate was significantly increased as times went by, and especially at the post immediately 3R was increased three times at rest.
3. There was a significant difference of systolic pressure between male and female at each round. Systolic pressure of male athletes was 13∼22mmHg higher than female athletes after each round, and MV˙O_2 of male athletes was 1∼4.6mmHg·bpm-3 higher than female, that was increased a few times at rest. As a result HR and blood lactate were no significantly different between male and female athletes in Taekwondo competition. But, blood pressure and MV˙O2 in male athletes were higher than female. In conclusion, the results suggest that it is necessary to figure out the best way to develop athletic performance by applying individual exercise intensity or different program during the Taekwondo training.
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The Effects of Aerobic Exercise Training on Maximal oxygen consumption, serum lipoprotein and Lymphocyte subset in Obese Women 운동생리학: 유산소트레이닝이 비만여성의 최대산소섭취량과 혈청지단백 및 림프구아형에 미치는 영향
박진기JinKeePark , 윤미숙MiSukYoun
41(5) 623-632, 2002
The Effects of Aerobic Exercise Training on Maximal oxygen consumption, serum lipoprotein and Lymphocyte subset in Obese Women 운동생리학: 유산소트레이닝이 비만여성의 최대산소섭취량과 혈청지단백 및 림프구아형에 미치는 영향
박진기JinKeePark , 윤미숙MiSukYoun
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of aerobic exercise training on V˙O2max, serum lipid and lymphocyte subset in obesity women. Subjects were composed of forteen obesity women. The aerobic exercise training program was composed of 50%HRmax(Intensity), 60 minutes per day(Duration), 4 frequencies per week(Frequency). Paired sample t-test was used to evaluate the difference of pre and post 12 weeks aerobic exercise training. The 0.05 level of significance was as critical level for the study.
1) Weight, %Fat were significantly decreased after aerobic exercise training group.
2) V˙O2max(㎖/min), V˙O2max(㎖/㎏/min) were significantly increased after aerobic exercise training group.
3) TC, TG, LDL-C, Apo B were significantly decreaded and HDL-C, Apo A-I were significantly increased after aerobic exercise training group.
4) Number of B-cell, T-cell, T-helper cell were increased in aerobic exercise training group.
5) T-helper cell/T-suppressor cell and NK-cell number were increased in aerobic exercise training group.
In conclusion, We demonstrated that V˙O2max(㎖/min), HDL-C, Apo A-I and NK-cell number were significantly increased in aerobic exercise training group. So it is maybe thought that long-term aerobic exercise improved respiratory fanction, serum lipid·lipoprotein, apolipoprotein and immune function in obese women.
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The effect of exercise and functional electric stimulation on the body composition, blood components and exercise capacity of obese women 운동생리학: 비만 여성들에 있어서 운동과 저주파 전기자극이 신체조성, 혈중 지질성분 및 운동수행능력에 미치는 영향
선상규SangKyuSun , 정동춘DongChoonJung , 홍용YongHong
41(5) 633-645, 2002
The effect of exercise and functional electric stimulation on the body composition, blood components and exercise capacity of obese women 운동생리학: 비만 여성들에 있어서 운동과 저주파 전기자극이 신체조성, 혈중 지질성분 및 운동수행능력에 미치는 영향
선상규SangKyuSun , 정동춘DongChoonJung , 홍용YongHong
The purpose of this study was to verify the influence of 12 weeks of low-frequency functional electrical stimulations(FES) and its comparison with FES during the exercise on the body composition, blood components, endurance exercise capacity and functional muscle strength of obese women. The subject of this study were 35 obese women who did not take part in exercise training. They were divided into three groups; functional electrical stimulation group(ES; 11), exercise group(EX; 12), functional electrical stimulation during the exercise group(EX+ES; 12). Functional electrical stimulation which was done to ES and EX+ES group was accomplished to part of knee extensor muscles(KEM) for 1 h/day and 5 day/wk using a electric stimulator at the level of 50Hz. EX and EX+ES groups exercised three times a week for 12 weeks. Keeping the 60% level of maximal exercise capacity, the training was done using ratio scale of perceived exertion(RPE) for the energy expenditure was to be 300kcal/day. Function of muscle capacity test were performed three isokinetic exercise(60。/sec) and endurance ratio % were performed twenty-six isokinetic exercise(180。/sec) at knee joint using cybex. Endurance exercise capacity(VO2max, endurance time) were preformed using gas analyzer.
The body weight and body fat were significantly decreased and lean body weight were significant increased in the EX+ES group and EX group were significantly decreased only on body fat after 12 wk. But body composition were not altered in the ES group after 12 wk.
And Endurance time, VO2max were significantly improved in the EX, EX+ES group but not altered in the ES group after 12 wk. TC, TG, LDL were significantly decreased in the EX+ES group and in the EX group were significantly decreased only on TC after 12 wk. But blood components were not altered in the ES group after 12 wk. The peak-troque of extensor on the knee joint were increased in the EX+ES group and in the EX group were significantly increased only on left extensor but not altered in the ES group after 12 wk.
And muscle endurance were significantly increased right extensor muscle in the EX+ES, EX group, but not significantly altered in the ES group after 12 wk. Therefore, it is suggested that FES during exercise using more efficient method to improve the body fat loss, health care and exercise capacity on the obese individuals.
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A Study on The Correlation Between Physical Fitness And Flight Operation Skill 운동생리학: 체력과 비행기술의 상관 연구
41(5) 647-661, 2002
A Study on The Correlation Between Physical Fitness And Flight Operation Skill 운동생리학: 체력과 비행기술의 상관 연구
This paper surveyed the physical fitness and flight operation skill of flight trainees to investigate the correlation between them and their flight skill. This survey was based on the 15 subjects randomly chosen from H university flight trainees. The evaluation of the chosen trainees was based upon the grades made upon the 20 questionnaires answered by flight trainers who seated besides them in the cockpit. The data were statistically processed by statistic software package, SAS. The following results were acquired:
1. Result showed a high correlation between flight skill and the cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, and prompt response power among physical fitness factors within the signification level P<0.05 range.
2. In the analysis of correlation between coordination and flight skill, only coordination factor showed a correlation within the significant level P<0.05 range. But the linear combination of these two factors showed a correlation within the significant level P<0.05 range.
3. Regression analysis of the correlation between physical fitness and flight skill showed a significant regression equation within the significant level P<0.05 range.
4. Distinctive analysis of the correlation between physical fitness factor and coordination factor showed a distinctive function of the correlation between physical fitness and coordination and flight skill.
5. Case analysis based on the distinctive function gained from distinctive analysis showed optimal conditions which can improve flight performance skill.
The results acquired from this study showed that the physical fitness and coordination have strong influence over the flight skill. It also presented a way to measure the flight performance based on the trainees` physical fitness. Furthermore, the result can be used to investigate physical fitness factors which are considered important in basic flight training. It is expected that the serially extended further study can provide more objective method to improve the trainees` flight skill performance and screening method of whether individuals are physically qualified to be a pilot.
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The changing aspects of the lap time according to final records of top-class marathon runners in the 2nd World Marathon Cup 운동생리학: 제2회 월드컵 마라톤대회에 참가한 선수들의 골인기록에 따른 구간기록의 변화 양상
오봉석BongSeockOh , 윤진환JinHwanYoon
41(5) 663-674, 2002
The changing aspects of the lap time according to final records of top-class marathon runners in the 2nd World Marathon Cup 운동생리학: 제2회 월드컵 마라톤대회에 참가한 선수들의 골인기록에 따른 구간기록의 변화 양상
오봉석BongSeockOh , 윤진환JinHwanYoon
The purpose of this study was to analyze the lap time difference of top-class marathon runners according to final records, and to provide some valuable marathon informations to marathon runners and to people who are interested in the marathon race.
Subjects were 158 participants(male, 112; female, 46) of The 2nd World Marathon Cup from 64 nations in the World. Male marathon runners were divided into two groups. One group(MHG) was consisted of 62 who finished their marathon race between 2 hours 10 minutes and 2 hours 19 minutes, and another group(MMG) was consisted of 50 who finished their marathon race between 2 hours 20 minutes, and another group(MMG) was consisted of 50 who finished their marathon race between 2 hours 20 minutes and 2 hours 29 minutes. Female marathon runners were also divided into two groups. One group(WHG) was consisted of 24 who finished their marathon race between 2 hours 30 minutes and 2 hours 39 minutes, and another group(WMG) was consisted of 22 who finished their marathon race between 2 hours 40 minutes and 2 hours 49 minutes.
Lap time was measured every 5km section from start to 40km and the final 2195km section.
The results were as follows;
First, the records of MHG(WHG) were significantly shorter than the record of MMG(WMG) in every section (p<.0001).
Second, there was a big difference between 35km and 40km in male marathon runners(p<.0001), but among female runners such difference was showed between 20km and 25km(p<.0001).
Third, the general changing aspects of lap time of MMG and WMG was similar, but MHG displayed high and low speed in the first half race, and WHG displayed high and low speed in the second half race.
These results suggested that excellent marathon runners who was on top levels in the international marathon race put high and low speed to their marathon race, and this kind of race management has some effect of energy usage and of holding competitors in check.
Therefore, it will be desirable for marathon runners who want to run their marathon race in short time a carry our faithfully their interval training that consists of various speed and length. This kind of training will reinforce their muscle endurance, cardio-respiratory function and energy efficiency and will be help to make themselves familar with marathon pace.
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The Effect of Aerobic Training on Blood Pressure control Hormone, Cardiac Function and VO2max in Essential hypertension 운동생리학: 유산소운동이 고혈압환자의 혈압조절 호르몬과 심장기능 및 최대산소섭취량에 미치는 영향
41(5) 675-684, 2002
The Effect of Aerobic Training on Blood Pressure control Hormone, Cardiac Function and VO2max in Essential hypertension 운동생리학: 유산소운동이 고혈압환자의 혈압조절 호르몬과 심장기능 및 최대산소섭취량에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of blood pressure, hormones modulating blood pressure, cardiac function, V˙O2max after 20 weeks aerobic training. Subjects was 60years old women with essential hypertension. The aerobic training was composed of 50%HRmax (Intensity), 50 minutes a day(Duration), 4 frequencies a week (Frequency). Blood pressure-related hormone as norepinephrine, renin, angiotensinⅡ, aldosterone, atrial natriuretic peptide(ANP) were significantly(p<.05) decreased, also systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure were significantly (p<.05) decreased 17.9mmHg, 11.7mmHg respectively. And left ventricular internal dimension end-diastolic(LVIDd), left ventricular internal dimension end-systolic(LVIDs), fraction of left ventricular shortening(FS), stroke volume(SV) were increased after aerobic training.
These results suggests that aerobic training of 50%HRmax improve peripheral vessel resistance, plasma volume, cardiac index, V˙O_2max. Therefore, we think that those effects decrease heart disease morbidity by hypertension.
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Effects of type of aerobic exercise on metabolic variables 운동생리학: 유산소성 운동의 유형이 운동대사 변인에 미치는 영향
이만규ManGyoonLee , 박세준SeJunPark , 이재문JaeMunLee
41(5) 685-698, 2002
Effects of type of aerobic exercise on metabolic variables 운동생리학: 유산소성 운동의 유형이 운동대사 변인에 미치는 영향
이만규ManGyoonLee , 박세준SeJunPark , 이재문JaeMunLee
This study was designed to investigate the effects of type of aerobic exercise on metabolic variables in male adults. The metabolic variables included oxygen uptake, total energy expenditure, total amount of fat oxidation, respiratory exchange ratio, rating of perceived exertion, and heart rate. The type of aerobic exercise was composed of treadmill and bicycle ergometer. The four types were treadmill exercise, treadmill plus bicycle ergometer exercise, bicycle ergometer plus treadmill exercise, and bicycle ergometer exercise. The eight males were volunteered to participate in the present study as subjects. Maximal oxygen consumption(VO2max) was measured utilizing Bruce protocol for treadmill and Åstrand protocol for bicycle ergometer. Four types of exercise were performed in a counterbalanced order at 60% of VO2max. The metabolic variables obtained during four types of exercise were compared. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, paired t-test, one-way ANOVA, and the correlation analysis.
The results of this study were presented as follows:
1. There was a statistically significant difference in VO2max between treadmill and bicycle ergometer(t=4,773; p=.002).
2. There were significant difference in oxygen uptake(F=6.840, p=.001), total energy expenditure(F=6.545, p=.002) among the exercise types. According to the results of the post hoc test, there was no significant difference between treadmill and bicycle ergometer plus treadmill in the aforementioned two variables. And there was no significant difference between bicycle ergometer plus treadmill and treadmill plus bicycle ergometer, either.
3. There was a significant positive correlation between oxygen uptake and total energy expenditure(r=.998; p=.000), oxygen uptake and heart rate(r=.373; p=.035), heart rate, and total expenditure(r=.378; p=.033). And there was a significant negative correlation between respiratory exchange ratio and maximal fat oxidation(r=-.971; p=.000).
It was concluded that the first type of aerobic exercise was lee important than the following type of exercise, because the type of the following aerobic exercise had a greater effect on the metabolic variables of aerobic exercise.
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Evaluation of maximal fat oxidation exercise intensity using fat oxidation during submaximal exercise 운동생리학: 최대하 운동중 지방연소량을 이용한 최대지방연소 운동강도의 평가
이상현SangHyounLee , 이용수YungSooLee
41(5) 699-711, 2002
Evaluation of maximal fat oxidation exercise intensity using fat oxidation during submaximal exercise 운동생리학: 최대하 운동중 지방연소량을 이용한 최대지방연소 운동강도의 평가
이상현SangHyounLee , 이용수YungSooLee
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the maximal fat oxidation exercise intensity(MFOEI) which was recommended for weigh loss program. Seven healthy male collegiate students participated as subject after signing an informed consent it was determined the MFOEI using indirect calorie measurement method during graded maximal exercise test in the treadmill(Bruce protocol). The MFOEI was defined as the intensity which resulted in maximal fat kilocalories per minute(Fkcal)as determined by converting V˙O2 to Fkcal at each stage using respiratory exchange ration(RER) and a Lusk table. To evaluate MFOEI, it was compared the physiological and metabolic variables during submaximal exercise lasting 60min at 40%, MFOEI, 75% V˙O2max.
The result were as follows:
1. During graded maximal exercise, Fkacl was the significantly highest at MFOEI in comparison with other exercise intensities
2. There was a significant difference V˙O2 amogn exercise intensities and RER and percentage of fat oxidation were the lowest in 40% V˙O2max but not significantly difference at MFOEI. However, Fkcal was the significantly highest at MFOEI.
In summary, the percentage of ft oxidation at MFOEI was lower than 40% V˙O2max and V˙O2 at MFOEI was lower than 75% V˙O2max during submaximal exercise while Fkcal was highest at MFOEI. In conclusion, as prescribe exercise program for treatment and prevention of obesity, there is a possibility of application of MFOEI which should be considered the individual conditions include age, gender, and level of physical fitness
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High salt induces c-fos gene at the transcription level in Sprague-Dawely rat kidney 운동생리학: 고염에 의한 신장에서의 c-fos 유전자의 발현
이영주YoungJooLee , 임원청WonChungLim
41(5) 713-719, 2002
High salt induces c-fos gene at the transcription level in Sprague-Dawely rat kidney 운동생리학: 고염에 의한 신장에서의 c-fos 유전자의 발현
이영주YoungJooLee , 임원청WonChungLim
High salt intake induces hypertension, stomach cancer and heart failure. But the molecular mechanism about riskiness of high salt intake on human body is not well known. We have aimed to examine the short-term effect of high salt intake at the molecular level on Sprague Dawley rat kidney. Seven-week-old female Sprague Dawley rats were injected intraperitoneally with hypertonic (1.5M sodium chloride) solution (10ml/kg). Three hour after injection, plasma sodium concentration was measured, kidneys were removed from rats, and total RNA was purified. In the present study, we evaluated the changes in mRNA expression of c-fos gene by semiquantitative RT-PCR assays. The plasma sodium concentration of rats in the hypertonic saline injected group was increased moderatelyat 3 h after injection. c-fos mRNA levels were increased approximately 5 fold compared with those of uninjected control. These results demonstrate that transcriptional activity of c-fos is regulated by high salt intake in rat kidney. This model system can be applied in understanding molecular effect of exercise reducing risk induced by high salt intake.
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The Effect on Performances of Knee & Ankle Joint by Support Taping of Lower Leg after Exercise 운동생리학: 하지의 테이핑 적용이 운동 후반부의 족관절 및 슬관절
이효성HyoSeongLee , 이용식YoungSikLee , 기현태HyunTaeKim
41(5) 721-732, 2002
The Effect on Performances of Knee & Ankle Joint by Support Taping of Lower Leg after Exercise 운동생리학: 하지의 테이핑 적용이 운동 후반부의 족관절 및 슬관절
이효성HyoSeongLee , 이용식YoungSikLee , 기현태HyunTaeKim
The purpose of this study to compare the performances of knee joint and ankle joint after taping for support knee joint and ankle joint after long time & high intensity exercise. Forty healthy male subject were evaluated in this study. Each subject was divide with taping(n=20) and non-taping(n=20) group. Performances of knee joint and ankle joint were measured peak torque, total work, average power, total work at 60 degree/sec and 180 degree/sec on the Cybex 770. The statistical analysis of this study were taken One way ANOVA(p<.05). On the basis of the results analyzed in this study, conclusion were drawn as follows:
1. The difference of Flexion at 60 degree/sec for knee joint were statistically significant on peak torque(p<.05), total work(p<.01), average power(p<.01) between BT and NT group.
2. The difference of Flexion at 60 degree/sec for ankle joint were statistically significant on peak torque(p<.05), total work(p<.01).
3. The difference of Extension at 60 degree/sec for ankle joint were statistically significant on peak torque(p<.05) between BT and NT group.
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Norm-referenced criteria of the lower limb extensor and flexor for the Korea pro-baseball players 운동생리학: 한국 프로야구 선수의 슬관절 신전 및 굴곡에 대한 등속성 근력 평가기준치 설정
The purpose of this study was to norm-referenced criteria of the lower limb(knee extensor and flexor) for the Korea pro-baseball players. One hundred forty five pro-baseball players were participated in this study. This didn`t have any medical problem. They performed three times isokinetic test at 60degree/sec. Cybex 770 system was used to obtained the value of peak torque, peak torque % body weight. The results were presented as a norm-referenced criterion value using 5-point scale.
On the basis of the results analyzed in this study, the conclusion were drawn as follow:
1) For the evaluation of strength, peak torque % body weight more than peak torque appeared to be more valuable information.
2) However for the training intensity determination, peak torque more than peak torque % body weight appeared to be more valuable information and peak torque considered.
3) The provided criterion of peak torque and peak torque % body weight are very useful information for baseball coach, athletic trainers, baseball players, sports injury rehabilitation specialists.
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Comparative analysis of GTX protocol for measurement of maximal oxygen uptake in male collegiate students 운동생리학: 남자대학생의 최대산소섭취량 측정을 위한 최대운동검사 부하방법의 비교분석
Comparative analysis of GTX protocol for measurement of maximal oxygen uptake in male collegiate students 운동생리학: 남자대학생의 최대산소섭취량 측정을 위한 최대운동검사 부하방법의 비교분석
The purpose of this study was to compare with the GXT protocol for maximal oxygen uptake. This study was conducted from March to April in 2002. Eight collegiate students were volunteered to participate in the study as subjects. They performed maximal treadmill exercise test according to the three GXT protocols by turns in a counterbalanced order. Maximal treadmill exercise tests were conducted in the exercise physiology laboratory of Department of Physical Education at K-University, Seoul, Korea. The maximal oxygen consumption and other variables obtained from each protocol were compared utilizing one-way ANOVA with repeated measures. When the significance was detected, post hoc test was performed utilizing LSD at .05 level of significant. The results were obtained as follows: 1) There were a significant difference in the maximal oxygen uptake, exercise time, maximal METs, and lactic acid of post maximal exercise according to the three GXT protocols(Bruce, Modified Bruce, PDI) at the .05 level of significance. 2) There was a significant difference in the maximal ventilation between PDI and Modified Bruce GXT protocol at the .05 level of significance. 3) There were no significant difference in the maximal heart rate, RQ according to the three GXT protocols. It was concluded that the development and appropriate selection of GXT protocol for specific population was very important to measure aerobic power accurately and to save the duration of the test.
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Maximal Aerobic Exercise on plasma Leptins Concentration in Women Swimming Player 운동생리학: 최대 유산소 운동시 여자 수영선수의 혈장 렙틴 변화
장석암SeokAmChang , 고석중SukJungKo
41(5) 753-765, 2002
Maximal Aerobic Exercise on plasma Leptins Concentration in Women Swimming Player 운동생리학: 최대 유산소 운동시 여자 수영선수의 혈장 렙틴 변화
장석암SeokAmChang , 고석중SukJungKo
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Isokinetic characteristics of hamstring and quadriceps between high school taekwondo athletes 운동생리학: 고등학교 태권도 선수와 일반 학생의 무릅관절 등속성 근력에 관한 비교 연구
The Korean martial sports of full-contact taekwondo has become increasingly popular among adults and children alike. In the present study, isokinetic characteristics of hamstring and quadriceps high school taekwondo athletes ware investigated using Cybex NORM. Twenty four volunteers, who twelve high school taekwondo athletes and twelve high school non athletes were participated. Knee extension and flexion were assessed at angular velocities of 60, 80 and 240 degrees/sec. Taekwondo athletes`s peak torques were significantly higher than those of non athletes in flexion at all angular velocity and left knee extension at 60 degrees/sec. Average power of taekwondo athletes were significantly higher than those of non athletes in flexion at all angular velocity. Average power percent body weight of taekwondo athletes were significantly higher than those of non athletes in flexion at all angular velocity and extension at 60 degrees/sec. Flexor/Extensor ratio of taekwondo athletes were significantly higher than those of normal student in both of flexion and extension at all angular velocity. Angle of peak torque of taekwondo athletes were significantly higher than those of non athletes in right flexion at 180 and 240 degrees/sec. Base on the results of present study, it is suggested that taekwondo athletes must strengthening their extensor for preventing injuries and progressing performance.
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Effect of Oral Supplementaion of Creatine or Creatine Biosynthetic Precursor on Anaerobic Power and Isokinetic Muscle Strength 운동생리학: 크레아틴 및 크레아틴 생합성 전구체 경구 투여가 하지 등속성 근력과 무산소성 근파워에 미치는 영향
Effect of Oral Supplementaion of Creatine or Creatine Biosynthetic Precursor on Anaerobic Power and Isokinetic Muscle Strength 운동생리학: 크레아틴 및 크레아틴 생합성 전구체 경구 투여가 하지 등속성 근력과 무산소성 근파워에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of oral supplementation of creatine (Cr) or creatine biosyntheic precursors - methionine (Met) and glycine (Gly) - on anaerobic power and isokinetic muscle strength.
Fifteen healthy male athletes were ramdomly assigned to three groups, Cr supplementation group (n=5), Met supplementation group (n=5), and Gly supplementation group (n=5).
Isokinetic muscle strength and power were measured at 60。/sec and 180。/sec with Kin-Com dynamometer (USA). Anaerobic power capacity was measured using MONARK cycle ergometer (Sweden). Cr, Met, and Gly was ingested 4 times a day (5g×4 times) for 5 days with commercial ionized drink using double blind trials.
In Cr supplementation group, anaerobic capacity and mean power were increased (p<.001). In Met supplementation group, isokinetic flexion strength(p<.001) as well as anaerobic power and mean power were increased(p<.05), inversely all measured variable were decreased in Gly supplementation group.
On the other hand, body weight was increased with Cr(p<.001), and Gly supplementation whereas body weight was decreased with Met supplementation.
In conclusion, Cr and Met supplementation demonstrated had positive effects as an ergogenic aids, however the careful consideration has to be taken when it is selected as an ergogenic aids in respect of the variation of body weight.
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Effects of Creatine and Carbohydrate supplementation on 2,000M rowing Performance and blood fatigue factors changes 운동생리학: 크레아틴과 탄수화물의 구강투여가 조정선수들의 2000M운동수행과 피로요소 변화에 미치는 영향
41(5) 791-801, 2002
Effects of Creatine and Carbohydrate supplementation on 2,000M rowing Performance and blood fatigue factors changes 운동생리학: 크레아틴과 탄수화물의 구강투여가 조정선수들의 2000M운동수행과 피로요소 변화에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of both oral creatine supplementation and carbohydrate supplementation on exercise performance with observing the changes of blood fatigue elements; specifically lactate, ammonia, and inorganic phosphate. In order to conduct this study, 5 rowing athletes in optimal physical condition (comparable to that of the Korean National Team) were chosen.
The subjects were divided into 3 test conditions: creatine supplement condition, carbohydrate supplement condition, and "non" supplement condition. All exercise studies were conducted on a Concept Ⅱ Indoor Ergometer, a machine identical to that of 2000M Single Skull event.
In the exercise performance time, there was no significant difference among the 3 experimental conditions(p>.05), but the shortest exercise performance time was the carbohydrate supplement condition. There was no significant mean blood lactate and ammonia level among the 3 experimental conditions(p>.05). However, in the ‘non’ supplement condition, mean blood lactate and ammonia level was the highest.
In the blood inorganic phosphate level, there was no significant difference among the 3 experimental conditions(p>.05). However, in the creatine supplement condition, the concentration of blood inorganic phosphate level was the lowest.
Even though, there were no statistically significant differences in exercise performance time and blood fatigue element levels, there was lower fatigue element accumulation after the carbohydrate supplementation condition and the creatine supplementation condition.
In this study, we can conclude that in a rowing event, where maximum performance is required for the whole duration of 7-8 minutes, both creatine and carbohydrate supplementation has resulted in positive effects on performance time and lowering fatigue factors.
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Effects of glutamine supplementation on blood cells, T-cells, B-cells and NK-cells in long-distance running 운동생리학: 장거리 달리기 글루타민 섭취가 혈액세포, T-세포수, B-세포수 및 NK-세포수에 미치는 영향
정현택HyunTaekJung , 조준용JoonYongCho
41(5) 803-811, 2002
Effects of glutamine supplementation on blood cells, T-cells, B-cells and NK-cells in long-distance running 운동생리학: 장거리 달리기 글루타민 섭취가 혈액세포, T-세포수, B-세포수 및 NK-세포수에 미치는 영향
정현택HyunTaekJung , 조준용JoonYongCho
Glutamine is an important fuel for some cells of the immune system. In situations of stress, such as clinical trauma, starvation, or prolonged, and strenuous exercise, the concentration of glutamine in blood is decreased, often substantially. In endurance athletes, this decrease occurs concomitantly with relatively transient immunodepression. Provision of glutamine or a glutamine precursor has been found to decrease the incidence of illness in endurance athletes. To investigate the effects of glutamine supplementation on red, white cells, hemoglobin, hematocrite, T-cell, B-cell, NK-cell after 16km running, this study was conducted using a two (experimental group n=6, and placebo group, n=6) by six (baseline, baseline 2, immediately 16km running, R30min, R90min, and HR3) factorial design with data analyzed using repeted measures ANOVA. A number of red cells, white cells, hematocrite, hemoglobins, B-cells, T-cells, NK-cells were measured. The pattern of change over time among groups for number of red cell, red cell, hematocrite, hemoglobin, T-cells, NK-cells was significantly different(p<.05) but changes of white cell and B-cells were not significantly both within period and between groups. In summary, these data suggest that glutamine supplementation during 16km running is associated with improved change of red cell, hematocrite, hemoglobin, T-cells and NK-cells.
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The effects of low doses of creatine and creatine loading on strength, urinary creatinine concentration, and body composition 운동생리학: 크레아틴 loading과 크레아틴 소량 섭취가 근력, 뇨크레아티닌 및 신체구성에 미치는 영향
41(5) 813-824, 2002
The effects of low doses of creatine and creatine loading on strength, urinary creatinine concentration, and body composition 운동생리학: 크레아틴 loading과 크레아틴 소량 섭취가 근력, 뇨크레아티닌 및 신체구성에 미치는 영향
This study subject were Twenty-four highly trained, university football players with at least 1 year of college playing experience.
This study tested strength with a 1-RM power clean exercise before, during, and after creatine supplementation. Urinary creatinine concentration was measured via light spectrophotometer at 0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35days. Body composition was measured by Inbody 3.0 before and after creatine supplementation. An analysis of variance with repeated measures was computed to compare means for all variables.
I reached some conclusions as follow :
Creatine supplementation had no significant group, period, or interaction effect on percentage of body fat, and fat-free mass. However, significant period effects were found for urinary creatinine concentration in before supplement. Analysis of 1RM strength showed significant differences over time in all groups.
This data suggest that creatine monohydrate in any amount does not have any beneficial ergogenic effects in highly trained university football players. However, a proper strength training stimulus for 5weeks can increase strength in highly trained athletes.
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The Study of Development Control Strategy in postural Maintenance 운동역학: 자세 유지의 발달적 조절 전략에 대한 연구
김선진SeonJinKim , 한동욱DongWookHan
41(5) 827-836, 2002
The Study of Development Control Strategy in postural Maintenance 운동역학: 자세 유지의 발달적 조절 전략에 대한 연구
김선진SeonJinKim , 한동욱DongWookHan
The purpose of this study was to analyze postural control strategy with age. Posturography was used of sensory organization test and motor control test in various environmental conditions. Each 10 subjects participated in the experiment among children, adults, and elderly people. In the sensory organization test, the results revealed that the postural stability appeared to be stable in the order of adults, ederly people, and children. Also, all groups showed different postural control strategies according to the platform movement. In the analysis of sensory ratio, the somatosensory ratio revealed no differences among three groups. However, there were significant differences in visual ratio and vestibular ratio with age. Especially, visual ratio and vestibular ratio of children group were less than those of adults and ederly groups. In the results of the motor control test, the delay of the reaction time and decrement of the response strength were shown to be an important factor of postural control problem in the elderly group.
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A kinematic Analysis of the Last 3 Strides of the Run-up and Take-off Motion in the Men’s High Jump 운동역학: 국가대표 높이뛰기 선수들의 발구름 동작에 관한 운동학적 분석
도호영HoYoungDo , 이진택JinTaekLee , 백진호JinHoBack
41(5) 837-850, 2002
A kinematic Analysis of the Last 3 Strides of the Run-up and Take-off Motion in the Men’s High Jump 운동역학: 국가대표 높이뛰기 선수들의 발구름 동작에 관한 운동학적 분석
도호영HoYoungDo , 이진택JinTaekLee , 백진호JinHoBack
This study was conducted to investigate the biomechanical characteristics of the take-off motion in elite high jumpers for the purpose of improving jumping height. The subjects were three males who were Korean national team players.
The three dimensional motion analysis with DLT method was executed using three video cameras of analyzing the actual competition situation, it is expected that high jumpers and coaches have the effective informations, and the following conclusion had resulted.
1. The take-off time shows that this study was longer than the other former studies. This result comes from wet ground condition, because of rainy day.
2. the ratio of height that center of gravity was 51.6±2.0% in touch-down phase and 73.0±2.3% in take-off phase. Also vertical height of increasing between touch-down and take-off was 21.4±2.2%, maximum height was 118.5±6.5%.
3. In order to improve jumping height the vertical and medial-lateral velocity of center of gravity should be increases as possible.
4. The lead leg and both arms contribute to the increase of center of gravity’s velocity.
5. It is appeared that the knee joint angle the lead leg at touch-down phase 156.6±9.5 degree, at take-off phase was 161.9±7.4 degree, the angle of maximum flexion was 135.0±12.0 degree. The take-off leg were 12876±1.8, 88.4±16.6, 54.8±8.7 degree respectively.
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Quantitative assessment of isometric lumbar extension strength for pre-operation, post-operation and following 4 week training in hernia-operated patients 운동역학: 요추간판탈출증 환자의 수술전·후 및 트레이닝 후 요부신근력 발현에 대한 정량적 분석
소재무JaeMooSo , 김건도GunDoKim , 한길수GilSooHan
41(5) 851-860, 2002
Quantitative assessment of isometric lumbar extension strength for pre-operation, post-operation and following 4 week training in hernia-operated patients 운동역학: 요추간판탈출증 환자의 수술전·후 및 트레이닝 후 요부신근력 발현에 대한 정량적 분석
소재무JaeMooSo , 김건도GunDoKim , 한길수GilSooHan
The Purpose of this study was to investigate the quantitative assessment of isometric lumbar extension strength pre-operation, post-operation and following 4 week training in hernia-operated patients.
Twenty-one subjects (9 males and 12 females) was tested 3 times for pre-operation, post-operation and following 4 week training late. The training was conducted twice per week for 4 weeks and consisted of one set of 15-18 repetitions of variable resistance lumbar extension until volitional fatique.
Each test involved the measurement of maximum voluntary isometric torque at 72。, 60。, 48。, 36。, 24。, 12。and 0。of lumbar flexion using the medx lumbar extension machine.
Results show significant improvement of lumbar extension strength between pre-operation and 4 week training at all degrees of both males & females. Especially female group appear significant improvement between post-operation and following 4 week training at all degrees.
Results further on body weight ratio indicate vital increase at major degrees between post-operation and 4 week training for both gender except at 48。degree of male group.
Key Words
Hernia-operated patients. Body weight ratio. Lumbar extension strength.
Qualitative Analysis of Angular Velocity in Children`s Gait Development Process 운동역학: 유아 보행 발달 과정의 정성적 분석
41(5) 861-874, 2002
Qualitative Analysis of Angular Velocity in Children`s Gait Development Process 운동역학: 유아 보행 발달 과정의 정성적 분석
This study analysis the transition of gait for the infant during its initial four-year period of independent walking to find out the mechanism of gait development. The three-dimensional analysis was carried out by each walking phase and by age.
For the purpose, The Vicon 370 system with automatic trace method (Oxford, England) was used measure variables. In the experiment, a total of 24 infants ranging in their age from one to five had been arranged to participate and, additionally, 21 adult women were utilized to produce the comparable data.
Results were as following:
In the coronal plane, the relationship between the pelvis and hip joint develops from an identical to analogous relationship. Measurements for movement in the knee joint for the entire swing phase are exaggerated throughout the developmental period. Even at five years of age, measurements for knee adduction and abduction are dramatically different compared to adults.
In the sagittal plane, mature gait development occurs at an early age. Although the ankle is the last joint to develop (specifically during the middle of the swing phase), it begins to take on adult characteristics as early as two years of age.
In the transverse plane, mature relationships appeared in the hip and ankle during the intial stance and final swing phase at the age of two.
In all other cases, mature gait patterns did not even appear at the age of five. This can be seen more closely if the relationships between the hip and knee, and the hip and ankle during the initial swing phase are examined. In adults the relation between the hip and knee is analogous, while the relation between the hip and ankle is reciprocal. In children, however, the relationship between the hip and knee is reciprocal and the hip and ankle have an analogous relationship. These two patterns show immaturity in hip development.
Compared to other joints in other planes of movement, knee movement in the sagittal plane showed adult characteristics at the earliest age(one year of age). The stance phase is the first to develop between the two. The next joint to show adult characteristics was hip movement in the sagittal plane(From one year of age). Hip movement in the coronal plane was the next area of development to show adult characteristics at two years of age. Pelvic movement in the coronal plane was the next to show adult characteristics(at two year of age).
Key Words
Three Dimentional Kinematic Analyses of the Children`s Gait Development Process (Ⅱ) 운동역학: 여자 아동의 연령별 걷기 발달 과정의 운동학적 분석 (Ⅱ)
41(5) 875-882, 2002
Three Dimentional Kinematic Analyses of the Children`s Gait Development Process (Ⅱ) 운동역학: 여자 아동의 연령별 걷기 발달 과정의 운동학적 분석 (Ⅱ)
The purpose of this study was to perform three dimensional analysis of the developmental process of gait in female children. This study utilized the Vicon 370 system with automatic tracing method by Oxford Metrics. Subjects were from 1-5 years old. There was a total of 24 female children. This data was compared with data gathered from 21 female adults. Variables included mean angles of lower extremities(pelvic, hip, knee and ankle joints) ad dynamic range of motion.
To summarize, one year old children walk with hip joint rotation, but from the age of two to five, children utilize a pelvic tilt to propel themselves. Hip joint rotation in one year olds produces a distinctive "waddle," not unlike that of a duck. Ankle movement is a more complex and fine motor skill that does not develop until later. At the age of three, plantar dorsi flexion appears in the ankle joint. At the age of five, children begin to show rotational movement in the ankle. These ankle movements will eventually replace pelvic tilting as the means of forward locomotion.
Differences in development during the different phases was also observed. The most rapidly developing phase was the fourth phase(swing). The next phase to develop was the first phase (initial double limb support). This was followed by the third phase (final double limb support), and the second phase(single limb support), respectively.
Three dimensional movement develops in the knee joint first, while other joints show adult-like mean angle only when moving through the sagittal plane.
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A Study of Waltz Movement Pattern in different Age and Skill Levels 운동역학: 연령과 기술 수준에 따른 왈츠 동작 형태에 관한 연구
이상희SangHeeLee , 김선진SeonJinKim
41(5) 883-893, 2002
A Study of Waltz Movement Pattern in different Age and Skill Levels 운동역학: 연령과 기술 수준에 따른 왈츠 동작 형태에 관한 연구
이상희SangHeeLee , 김선진SeonJinKim
The purpose of this study was to compare the basic movement patterns of waltz between different age and skill levels. Age group was consisted of two groups, children group of 11 years old and adults group of 20 years old. Each age group was divided into two skill levels, expert level of more than one year`s experience and novice level of no experience. Total participants of this study were 8 female subjects, two for each group. Basic movements of waltz were analysed using three dimensional Elite system. The data of several biomechanical factors such as moving trajectory, step length, rise and fall, range of joint angle were gathered to compare between the different age and skill groups. All the data were analysed basically with a descriptive statistics as well as two-way ANOVA with repeated measures.
It was concluded that the expert group showed clear and consistent patterns of performance with great range of step length, joint angle and rise and fall, while the novice group showed opposite results. Children group used strategy of decreasing degree of freedom to form consistent movement patterns, while the adults group used strategy of increasing degree of freedom gradually. Interestingly, higher correlation coefficient of joint angle showed significant relationship between left and right side of the body in all groups. As they learn waltz movement pattern, children used strategy of decreasing degree of freedom to form consistent movement patterns, and adults used strategy of increasing degree of freedom gradually.
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The Characteristics of Inter-Segmental Coordination in Multi-Joint Movement as a Function of Skill Level 운동역학: 기술수준에 따른 신체분절간 협응특성 비교
김기웅KeeWoongKim , 신제민JeMinShin , 김병현ByungHyunKim
41(5) 895-911, 2002
The Characteristics of Inter-Segmental Coordination in Multi-Joint Movement as a Function of Skill Level 운동역학: 기술수준에 따른 신체분절간 협응특성 비교
김기웅KeeWoongKim , 신제민JeMinShin , 김병현ByungHyunKim
Two groups of Taekwondoist(6 novices and 6 experts) were compared in a novice-expert paradigm with the cinematographic analyses of a whipping kick movement, in terms of coordination characteristics defined operationally as the relationship(cross correlation) between joint displacements, joint angular displacements (assumed respectively to indicate spatial coordination), linear joint velocities, and angular joint velocities (each assumed to reflect temporal coordination) of hip, knee, and ankle joints. Cross-correlations were analyzed as a function of skill level and movement phase with two-way(Skill Level×Movement Phase) ANOVA with repeated-measures on movement phase. Results indicated that significant sill level main effects were evident in cross-correlation between linear velocities of hip and knee joints as well as between linear velocities, angular displacements, and angular velocities, respectively, of hip and ankle joints. Also evidenced was the main effects due to movement phases in all cross-correlation comparisons. These results were interpreted to be indicative of the fact that movement coordination pattern is different as a function of skill level, and that the patterns of movement coordination vary in a characteristic way as movement progresses, basically in support of Bernsteinian tenets of skill learning.
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Dynamic Gait Pattern to Prevent Slip and Fall in the Elderly 운동역학: 미끄럼 발생에 따른 노인의 보행 동적특성 연구
조병준ByungJoonCho , 원문학WenXueYuan , 김선필SeonPilKim
41(5) 913-923, 2002
Dynamic Gait Pattern to Prevent Slip and Fall in the Elderly 운동역학: 미끄럼 발생에 따른 노인의 보행 동적특성 연구
조병준ByungJoonCho , 원문학WenXueYuan , 김선필SeonPilKim
This study investigates the balance adjustment of walking to prevent a slipping accident in the elderly. Gait analyses for six elderly subjects were performed on three different road conditions; normal surface, slip information on the normal surface, slippery surface with oil contaminant.
1. On the slippery ground surface, the gait pattern was modified into the longer supporting time to secure balance recovery. However, the foot strike angle showed insignificant variation from slippery motion.
2. On three different road conditions, the subjects appeared a tendency to raise their body center, and restricted the vertical body motion in comparison with the young subjects.
3. During the supporting period after slip, the subject showed the rapid increase of the positive moment and notable energy loss. At the knee, the subject experiences the rapid increase of the negative moment, and the similar power patterns on the normal gait. At the hip, the subjects maintained the noticeable pattern of the flexion moment and diminished the pattern of the extension moment at the latter supporting period. In addition, the subjects did not show the peak of the energy absorbtion during the supporting period. This result shows the tendency to lessen the response for balance adjustments in the elderly.
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A Review on the childhood obesity 운동영양학: 소아비만에 관한 문헌 고찰
41(5) 927-943, 2002
A Review on the childhood obesity 운동영양학: 소아비만에 관한 문헌 고찰
The purpose of this study is to provide a database on the treatment and prevention of adult diseases related to childhood obesity, which has been growing as a social problem. Childhood obesity is caused majority by hereditary, environmental and psychological factors. Hereditarily, there are various factors which play a role. Environmentally, limited eating habits and food intake patterns with decrease in physical activities even with the abundance of variety of food types have been the major factors which lead to childhood obesity. And psychologically, factors such as sentimentality contribute to obesity in childhood even more so than adulthood which effect the childhood character formation. With the increase in the prevalence of childhood obesity, adult diseases such as diabetes, fatty liver, hypertension and hyperlipidemia have been more evident. For treatment and prevention, nutritional control and exercise programs including behavior modification should be continuously applied with the help of scientific and professional nutritional therapy and weight control programs. In conclusion, it is indispensable that weight should be managed by a mutually formed health management team comprised of such medical professionals as a psychologist, nurse, pediatrician, dietician, and a physical activity director. In recommendation, school lunch programs should include nutrition management of diet control, nutrition education and a variety of exercise programs, which induce energy expenditure.
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Effects of Fluid Intake on Plasma ACTH, Cortisol Concentration and the Control of Blood Glucose during Prolonged Exercise 운동영양학: 음료섭취가 장시간 운동시 혈장 ACTH, Cortisol농도 및 혈당 조절에 미치는 영향
김태형TaeHyungKim , 임완기WanKiLim
41(5) 945-957, 2002
Effects of Fluid Intake on Plasma ACTH, Cortisol Concentration and the Control of Blood Glucose during Prolonged Exercise 운동영양학: 음료섭취가 장시간 운동시 혈장 ACTH, Cortisol농도 및 혈당 조절에 미치는 영향
김태형TaeHyungKim , 임완기WanKiLim
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of water intake and sports beverage intake on plasma ACTH, Cortisol, Insulin and Glucose concentration during prolonged exercise. Eight university male students participated in this study. The subjects cycled on a bicycle ergometer for 2 hours at 60% VO2max. Total amount of fluid was net weight loss minus 1 kg after 2 hours of cycle ergometer exercise in the control group. All beverage were administered immediately prior to exercise and every 15min throughout the exercise. Water and sports beverage were comprised in the beverages used in this study. Beverages were administered in a double blind method. The results were as following.
First, plasma ACTH concentration was significantly increased during exercise in the all beverage treatments. Plasma ACTH concentration at 120min of exercise were 56.94±33.57pg/ml, 34.98±19.16pg/ml and 27.30±9.5pg/ml in no fluid, water intake and sports beverage intake, respectively, that is, plasma ACTH concentration showed the most increase in no fluid and the least increase in sports beverage. Second, plasma cortisol concentration was increased during exercise in the all beverage treatments, but significantly increased only no fluid(p<.001). That in no fluid was significantly increased at 120min of exercise. Therefore plasma cortisol concentration made no differences at 60min of exercise but was significantly higher in no fluid than in water intake and sports beverage intake at 120min of exercise(p<.01).
Third, plasma insulin concentration was significantly decreased during exercise in no fluid(p<.01) and in water intake(p<.05), but was insignificantly decreased in sports beverage. No differences existed among the 3 beverage treatments at both of 60min and 120min of exercise. Fourth, plama glucose concentration during exercise was significantly decreased in no fluid(p<.001) and water intake(p<.05). But plasma glucose concentration in sports beverage intake wasn`t changed by exercise and was maintained constantly. Therefore, as far as plasma glucose concentration at 120min of exercise was concerned, sports beverage intake group showed significantly higher concentration than the other groups(p<.01).
Consequently, this study showed that the maintenance of blood glucose concentration was helped by increasing plasma ATCH and cortisol concentration and decreasing plasma insulin concentration in no fluid and no water intake group, and gluconeogenesis of liver was decreased by relieving the increase of plasma ACTH and cortisol concentration and inhibiting the decrease of plasma insulin concentration during prolonged exercise in sports beverage intake.
Key Words
Fluid intake, ACTH, Cortisol, Insulin, Glucose
Effects of Vitamin C & E Supplementation on Plama MDA, GPx, GR Concentration and Heart Rate during the Prolonged Exercise 운동영양학: 비타민 C와 E 섭취가 장시간 운동시 혈장 MDA, GPx, GR 농도와 심박수에 미치는 영향
41(5) 959-969, 2002
Effects of Vitamin C & E Supplementation on Plama MDA, GPx, GR Concentration and Heart Rate during the Prolonged Exercise 운동영양학: 비타민 C와 E 섭취가 장시간 운동시 혈장 MDA, GPx, GR 농도와 심박수에 미치는 영향
This study was to determine the effects of vitamin C & E supplementation on plasma MDA, GPx, GR concentration and HR during the prolonged exercise. Eight male university students participated in this study. The subjects exercised on a bicycle ergometer for 90mins at 65% VO2max.. Subjects were randomly selected and Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Placebo were administered 2 times a day, for 3 days. Placebo was 1 g sugar in capsule. Tests were carried out every 2 weeks by using a repeated measure. The results were as following. The plasma MDA conc. was increased during prolonged exercise in all treatmennts. The increment of plasma MDA conc, however, was more remarkable in the control group than in vitamin C or E intake(p<.05). Plasma GPx conc. was significantly increased during prolonged exercise in all treatments. Especially, plasma GPx conc. in the control was significantly higher than in vitamin C or E intake(p<.05). No differences existed in Plasma MDA and GPx between vitamin C intake and vitamin E intake. Plasma GR conc. was significantly increased during prolonged exercise in vitamin E intake(p<.05), but there were no significant increase during exercise in the control and vitamin C intake. and no differences existed in plasma GR conc. during exercise among 3 treatments. HR was significantly increased during exercise. Especially, HRs at 90 min of exercise were signicantly higher that 30min of exercise in all treatments. And HR in the control was no difference compared with vitamin C and vitamin E intake but was significantly higher than vitamin C and E intake at 90min of exrcise. I concluded that vitamin C and E supplementtion protect lipid peroxidation in cell membranes, respectively and help prevent decrease of cardiac function.
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The effect of dietary intervention and regular exercise on energy mobilization and metabolic adaptation during prolonged endurance exercise in rats 운동영양학: 쥐의 식이 섭취 형태와 훈련이 지구성 운동 시 에너지 동원과 대사적 적응에 미치는 영향
41(5) 971-980, 2002
The effect of dietary intervention and regular exercise on energy mobilization and metabolic adaptation during prolonged endurance exercise in rats 운동영양학: 쥐의 식이 섭취 형태와 훈련이 지구성 운동 시 에너지 동원과 대사적 적응에 미치는 영향
In this study it was investigated that the effects of prolonged dietary intervention and regular exercise on energy mobilization and metabolic adaptation during endurance exercise in rats. Thirty-two Sprague-Dawley rats were used, and energy consumption was calculated during prolonged exercise. It was also examined whether any changes occurred on muscle glycogen and intramuscular triglyceride (IMTG) contents following these interventions. Animals that consumed a high fat diet showed less calorie intake compared to animals that fed a high carbohydrate diet(P<0.01), but there was no differences in total body mass. The muscle glycogen storage was increased following regular exercise in muscle that consumed a high carbohydrate diet, while the IMTG concentration was higher in muscles’ that dissected out form animals that consumed a high fat diet (P<0.01). In addition, there was a strong positive correlation in endurance performance capacity and the rate of weight loss during endurance exercise until exhausted (r2=. 759, P<0.01). Based on these findings, following conclusions were made. First, the rate of energy production from the fat is increased during endurance exercise if a high-fat diet is provided for a long period. Second, both muscle glycogen and IMTG content can be significantly altered depending upon dietary compositions in skeletal muscle. Third, regular exercise training is the effective way to increase of muscle glycogen, while consuming a high fat diet would be more effective way for enhancing IMTG level. Fourth, there is a strong positive correlation between endurance performance capacity and resistance ability to tolerate with continuing weight loss during long-term exercise in rats.
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The effect of branched-chain amino acid supplementation on the products of energy metabolism during prolong exercise in vegetarians 운동영양학: 채식인의 BCAAs 섭취 후 지구성 운동시 나타나는 혈중 에너지 대사 물질의 변화
김재철JaeCheolKim , 김경태GyungTaeKim , 김창근ChangKeunKim
41(5) 981-990, 2002
The effect of branched-chain amino acid supplementation on the products of energy metabolism during prolong exercise in vegetarians 운동영양학: 채식인의 BCAAs 섭취 후 지구성 운동시 나타나는 혈중 에너지 대사 물질의 변화
김재철JaeCheolKim , 김경태GyungTaeKim , 김창근ChangKeunKim
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of branched-chain amino acids supplementation on plasma lactate, glucose, FFA, ammonia and BCAAs concentration during prolonged exercise in vegetarians. 14 male subjects (Omnivore group: 7, Vegetarian group: 7) volunteered to participate in this study. Each subject performed two experimental trials (placebo: sports beverage and BCAAs: 76.8㎎/㎏ BW). And they performed a sub-maximal exercise for 60min at 60% of their VO2max on treadmill. Blood lactate concentration increased slightly during the early phase of exercise in both groups.
Blood lactate concentration in vegetarian group was lower than omnivore significantly and positive effects of BCAAs supplementation were observed in two groups during exercise and recovery. The interesting changes of plasma glucose, FFA, and BCAAs concentration was not appearance. Plasma ammonia level of vegetarian group was lower as compared to omnivore group and at rest, during exercise, and recovery phase. Furthermore, in the omnivore group, BCAAs decrease the ammonia concentration interestingly.
In conclusion, lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet custom can influence on blood lactate concentration, and lactate recovery rate during prolonged exercise and recovery phase. Furthermore, BCAAs supplementation had significantly effect on blood lactate concentration in both groups and omnivore group respectively. However, more consistent study will be necessary for elucidating BCAAs supplementation effects during prolonged exercise on other blood parameters.
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Effects of acute antioxidants administration on enzyme activity after exercise in rats 운동영양학: 항산화복합체 1회투여가 운동후 항산화 효소활성에 미치는 영향
Exercise increases the generation of oxygen free radical an lipid peroxidation. Polyphenol and vitamin C, E are known to prevent lipid peroxidation during exercise. Among the known polyphenol, the polyphenol extracted from Green tea as used has the similar effect of antioxidant. Therefore we examined the effects of acute polyphenol or vitamin complex(vitamin C+E) on antioxidants enzymes activities in rat(N=40). All rats were exercise training on the treadmill for 6weeks (25m/sec for 1hour). They were administered 5% of polyphenol and 50㎎ of vitamin C+E before the exercise at the final day of the experiment in acute administration group(APA; acute polyphenol administration, AVA; acute vitamin complex administration, AVPA; acut vitmin complex & polyphenol administration) and theother group was administered the same amount of water at the same time point(CON). One-way ANOVA was performed as the statistical analysis. MDA concentrations in liver was significantly decreased in APA or AVPA. But gastrocnemius red, white muscle were not statistically significant. In addition, polyphenol administration has the positive effect compared with vitamin complex administration. SOD concentrations in liver were significantly increased in APA or APVA. However, skeletal muscle SOD concentrations were not statistically significant. These results suggested that acute polyphenol administration reduced the risk of lipid peroxidation during exercise in rats. Moreover, acute administration of polypheonl and vitamin complex & polyphonol increased the antioxidative activity that prevent the lipid peroxidation during exercise in rats.
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Iron and hematological status of collegiate male runners 운동영양학: 단·중·장거리 육상선수들의 철분과 생화학적 변인 비교
The relationship between abdominal visceral adipose tissue volume and anthoropometric variables by computed tomography 측정평가: 컴퓨터 단층 촬영에 의해 측정된 복부내장지방과 인체계측 변인들간의 관련성
박경혜KyoungHeaPark , 윤승호SeoungHoYun
41(5) 1011-1024, 2002
The relationship between abdominal visceral adipose tissue volume and anthoropometric variables by computed tomography 측정평가: 컴퓨터 단층 촬영에 의해 측정된 복부내장지방과 인체계측 변인들간의 관련성
박경혜KyoungHeaPark , 윤승호SeoungHoYun
The purpose of this research was to select single CT measurement sites for the presumption of abdominal visceral adipose tissue volume and to standardize the sites of measurements of waist circumference in anthropometry.
For this research, the subjects were healthy women with endomorphy rating by Heath-Carter anthropometric somatotype. Their ages were ranged from 30 to 54 years old. The authors traced CT total area, abdominal visceral adipose area, and abdominal subcutaneous area by CT about five regions from the lumber 1 to 4 of all the subjects. The abdominal visceral adipose tissue volume was calculated by the formula of Kvist. The authors investigated the anthropomtry by the full profile of ISAK. Except mini waist circumference, five waist circumferences were measured over 8㎝ from the iliac crest in every 2㎝.
The result was that abdominal visceral adipose tissue volume and single CT scan took highly correlation between L3 - L2 and L2 - L1. Also abdominal visceral adipose tissue volume and simple index of waist circumference were highly correlated to 8㎝ sites from the iliac cres. Abdominal visceral adipose tissue volume and body ratio variables were highly correlated to 8㎝ sites from the iliac crest. Especially the waist circumference over 8㎝ sites from the iliac crest among variables was highly correlated with abdominal visceral adipose tissues volume made by the stepwise regression analysis.
In conclusion, single CT site for the presumption of abdominal visceral adipose tissue volume was L3 - L2 OR L2 - L1. Thus, it was between over and under 1 -2? centering around L2 Moreover the waist circumference of middle aged women with endomorphy rating somototype in Korea was the best variable in representation abdominal visceral adipose tissue volume. Thus, the waist circumference over 8? sites from the iliac crest should be standardized for the measurement of abdominal visceral adipose tissue volume.
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The Obesity State & Analysis on Health Checkup of the Elementary and the Middle School Students 측정평가: 초·중학생의 비만 실태 및 건강검사에 관한 분석
윤미수MiSooYoon , 정소봉SooBongJong
41(5) 1025-1035, 2002
The Obesity State & Analysis on Health Checkup of the Elementary and the Middle School Students 측정평가: 초·중학생의 비만 실태 및 건강검사에 관한 분석
윤미수MiSooYoon , 정소봉SooBongJong
This study is the results of health checkup of the 786,451 students(the elementary schoolers; 392,062, the middle schoolers; 394,389) and those of 3,930 students(boys; 2,728, girls; 1,202) with serious obesity of Gyeongsangnam-do in 2000/2001.
1. The elementary and the middle students with serous obesity account for 0.5%, and the percentage of the boys with serous obesity is two times as high at that of the girls.
2. In 2000, the health checkup results of the students with serious obesity show that the1,301 elementary schoolers have %fat(88%), low density cholesterol(18.3%), blood pressure(10.5%), and triglyceride(9.9%) : the 710 middle schoolers have % fat(92.4%), low density cholesterol(14.6%), blood pressure and triglyceride(12.3%).
3. In 2001, it also shows that the 1,263 elementary scholers have % fat(87.6%), low density cholesterol(22.2%), blood pressure(19.2%), and triglyceride(14.8%) : the 656 middle schoolers have % fat(92.8%), triglyceride(20.9%), high density cholesterol(17.7%), blood pressure(14.6%) and low density cholesterol(13.1%). Compared with the previous year, high density cholesterol of the elementary schoolers increased 11.3% and their blood pressure increased 8.7% : high density cholesterol of the middle schoolers increased 16% and their triglyceride increased 8.6%.
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The Effect of Exercise on the Cardiac Function and Morphology in the Adolescences with Paraplegia 특수체육: 하지마비 지체장애 청소년의 운동이 심장의 기능과 구조에 미치는 영향
민경선KyungSunMin , 고성경SeongKyeongKo
41(5) 1039-1049, 2002
The Effect of Exercise on the Cardiac Function and Morphology in the Adolescences with Paraplegia 특수체육: 하지마비 지체장애 청소년의 운동이 심장의 기능과 구조에 미치는 영향
민경선KyungSunMin , 고성경SeongKyeongKo
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하지마비 지체장애, 운동참여, 심장 기능과 구조
Impact of the Participation in Physical Activities by the People with Physical Disabilities on Their Attitude towards Exercise 특수체육: 신체활동 참여가 지체장애인의 운동태도에 미치는 영향
41(5) 1051-1061, 2002
Impact of the Participation in Physical Activities by the People with Physical Disabilities on Their Attitude towards Exercise 특수체육: 신체활동 참여가 지체장애인의 운동태도에 미치는 영향
The aim of this research was to study the impact of the participation in physical activities of the people with physical disabilities on their attitude towards exercise. For this research, I selected 200 physically handicapped people living in Seoul and Kyungkido and assigned 140 of them to the group that would participate in physical activities and 60 to the group that would not. The research instrument is the exercise attitude survey questionnnaire developed by Kenyon in 1968. The reliability of my research was verified by the Cronbach-a method. The questionnaire was made up of 30 questions on six factors. SPSS Windows Version 10.0 was used to process the data I collected. To study exercise attitude according to population statistics, One-Way ANOVA was applied. I also carried out ANCOVA to check the differences caused by participation in exercise. In addition, to clarify the impact of the degree of exercise on exercise attitude, I performed standard multiple regression. I utilized the Scheffe test for my ex post facto verification, with a significant level of P<.05. My research conclusions are as follows. First, my comparison of population statistics showed significant differences in sexuality, age, educational level, handicap type and time of handicap occurrence. Second, my comparison of exercise attitudes related to participation in physical activities showed that the group that participated in physical activities fared better in terms of emotional catharsis and overcoming of hardship than the group that did not participate in physical activities. Third, my comparison of the relationship between the degree of participation in physical activities and exercise attitude showed that the higher the frequency of exercise is, the better the social experience and the greater the degree of emotional catharsis are; and the longer the exercise time is, the healthier and physically stronger the subject is, although the weaker his pursuit of ventures is as well.